Is There a Problem Here?What CAn You See That I Can't



SOooo I have couple of my girls showing some problems...I really screwed them up last grow n messed with them so much that I stressed them out n seriously decreased yield amount among other things.Was hoping to get some advice on problems u can see :) Any advice much appreciated!!

So here is Set up :10x12 outdoor shed insulated,6in air intake fan, can-fan carbon exhaust fan,lumatek ballasts, air cooled 2-600w switchable MH/HPS, 8 lamp t-5,circulating fan,heater...ezcloner fresh cut clones put in 4days ago,21 days ago transphered Purple widow to 1 gallon pots all under the t-5s, 30 days ago put Hawaian Snow,Elephant,Bubble Kush,n Blue Dream(6days ago) into 5 gallons under one 600w MH Using Sunshine Mix Org.

Feed 5gallon 2xs using Iguana Juice n Micro @1/4 strength
Ph'd cloner to 5.8

Problems: 1.Slightly cupped n slow growth on the 1 gall Purps..why??Doesnt seem overwatered

2.Bubble Kush has been drooping over 3 weeks,notice no new growth on top..bottom leaves turning brownish in spots,flushed her a few days ago no help.

3.Some of the 5 g plants have discoloring light green starting center of leaf then moves out

what could it be???



Active Member
what kind of soil? are u phing the nutes after mixing....geez that looks fucked up...are you over watering


Well-Known Member
are you letting your pots get light before watering again? how much water are you giving each water? what is your soil ph? have you been phing the water you give them? sorry if you answered the questions above but your post was a bit hard to follow.


IMAG0170-1.jpg<-----This is the Hawaian Snow did LST so her stems r bent on purpose cloned off her 5 days ago..nothing going on with her...Using SunshineMix Organic,Have not phd soil@ all,using straight tap sooo 7.0 ph(sits out over night on counter) I only water when pots feel lighter,like every 2-5 days..the Bubble Kush is the seriously droopy one:( IMAG0169.jpgThis is 2days after flush little better

I mightve watered her to much since I flushed her.But the other ones r showing signs of yellowing in middle of leaves but no browning.Im stumped
These r the newer ones Purple Widow in 1g n Blue Dream in bigger
IMAG0137.jpgKinda weird slow growth deformed leaves slightly



Well-Known Member
oh oh oh oh. too much potassium = permanent droopy leaves. it happened to me once. the leaves drooped and only came back a little. but the deformed growth is deff molybdenum


Havent checked run off yet..what should PH b?My room is at 74-79 lights on...68-lower 70's off. Now they seem to be flowering!!!Or pre-flowering Im stumped:(My clones r seriously yellowing too,ssowing roots though.What to do?


Well-Known Member
Put the clones that have rooted into soil. I start with a 16 or 20 oz dixie cup myself. You want a ph of around 6.5 . You may be seeing stipules or you very well may be seeing preflowers, both of which are normal and not a bad thing. Is your plant alternating nodes yet? I cant tell 100% from the pics but if it is your most likely seeing preflowers. When a plant is large and sexualy mature enough to start flowering it will start alternating nodes and showing preflowers regardless of its light cycle. The plant is simply telling you that its ready when you are to start flowering.


Well-Known Member
Havent checked run off yet..what should PH b?My room is at 74-79 lights on...68-lower 70's off. Now they seem to be flowering!!!Or pre-flowering Im stumped:(My clones r seriously yellowing too,ssowing roots though.What to do?
with clones in a system you p.h should be between5.0 and 6.0 i waver around 5.5 with those girls who are vegging id play it safe and keep it between 6.2 and 6.5 thats if thoose are being hydroponically grown as well in the last pic your parts per million (ppm) look low that may be why the leaves are so light


Thanks for info I took the rooted ones put em in cups they are taking well..not a lot of for the Bubble Kush she is "pre flower"ed all the nodes have flower sights..threw lights to 24 then 20/4 hasnt changed seems stunted what should I do with her?My others seem happy..finally!!! @ Mr I was told the cloner wouldnt need it though...will see If I do ad to cloner 1/4 strength?:) Only have 10 in there see how they takes....attached pics of progress
I had a similar problem when my ph meter broke and the ph of all plants were fucked... check PH like its your fucking religon thats my advice


Bliss-Got on checking the Ph it was high I got it back down slowly now3 weeks later they are all in soiless medium...@ Dark thanks for info I took ur advice got em in there an they took off,I kept thinking the roots were not long enough barely any but they seem to be coming along well.Now I started cloning off my Blue Dream n Elephant seem to be running into same problem rapidly yellowing tops P.h. is around 5.7 in EZCLONER only 5 days in no signs of roots..Question for ya, Do you add any kinda Nute to water after few days?