Is there a safe way to muffle hum of 400 mag ballast?

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Like the title says.... is there any safe way that I can muffle the hum of my magnetic ballast? Its not a loud buzzing like my digi ballast, but a steady hummmmm sound... what can i do to cut out the hummmmm????? I want a safe solution as in fire-safe... nothing that could cause a fire


Well-Known Member
You could replace the ballast with a potted ballast designed for office use. They are long thin ballasts that look like big flouro ballasts and they're silent.

Or I guess if yours is core and coil and not electronic you could pot yours with potting compound. It's a rubbery stuff that you basically fill the ballast with and kind of looks like dark silicone. If you do this, it becomes non repairable though.

Tha last option is an actively vented hush box. Take a wooden box that it will fit in like an old speaker, line it with sound deadening insulation or that car sound blocking stuff, put a couple holes in it for a exhaust fan and intake fan. Just make sure the fans are always on or always come on with the ballast.

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Thanks OregonMeds.. appreciate your reply. My ballast is a coolstar... I think I will try the potting compound you suggested. Is that something that would be available at home depot? Ive had digi ballasts and those were much louder, this is like a low hum but totally noticable....

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Im sorry Im not too good with things like this, do you actually fill the inner part of the ballast with this stuff? or, coat the exterior with it?? thanks again for your time

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
I care more about people not hearing it...but thanks for the heads up ganjababy!
Thanks OregonMeds I will give it a try...

Cheech Wizard

Well-Known Member
Well, OregonMeds... I am a dumbass... my buzzing ballast isnt buzzing anymore.. I had it on its side to save space, cuz its kinda large.. anyway, when i flipped it to its correct position it now makes no buzz at all.... so, thanks anyway for the help! I appreciate it


Well-Known Member
I used to have a ballast that would buzz just because of what it was set on. I fixed that with a piece of dynomat underneath the ballast.

But you have your problem fixed - proper orientation. :D