Is there a solution to my problem?? Yield?? PICS


Well-Known Member
Hey you can see from these pictures I am out of room in my grow space. The walls are only 18" wide (about 5 feet long though w/ 9 foot ceiling). I switched the lights to 12/12 on Tuesday, and she is already colliding with the walls. If i had room inside/we didn't have friends, then i would just move her inside but that just isn't a feasable option. Is there any methodology (using string, pruning ect.) that could help her continue to grow up, rather than out? and if not will she be alright in there with proper air flow and rotation a couple of times a day?

Also just out of curiousity what kind of yield would you anticipate just from her appearance? (I know that is a loaded question, but i don't know if should expect 1oz or 15) The roots that hang out the basket below the hydroton are the size of a small football w/ an airstone on them.

Since I am asking about yield, here is a list of my lights:
4- 105 watt 30k spiral CFL's (2 on top, and 1 on each side)
1- 105 watt 50k Tube CFL
4- 23 watt 27k Spirals

Using a ridiculously long combination of Flora nutrients and dutchmaster foliar spray, so she is super healthy now.

I welcome any comments, please let me know what you guys think about my first grow; it will be greatly appreciated!



Well-Known Member
if you stop giving light to the sides it will not grow as much...
there's my two cents =)


Well-Known Member
yea I thought about doing that, but the growth is so compact if I were to take away the supplimental light on the side then 40% of the plant prob wouldnt get any light...there are what look to be a lot of potential bud sites on the sides, and the growth is really thick so i figured i would leave the lights so nothing is deprived...


Well-Known Member
Looks really healthy dude, well done! Now that you've switched to 12/12 i wouldnt worry too much about sideways growth. The whole plant should just stretch upwards, it's not really a problem that the plant has touched the sides already tbh. How much head room have you got? Depending on the strain you may find it will more than double in height during the flowering process. Good luck with the rest of your grow.


Well-Known Member
stick a screen over them bad boys and do a late scrog! just push it down into the plants as much as possible and make sure you get as many budsites as you can through.
my 2 cents.


Well-Known Member
your plants look mad sweet

it's true that there is some really really nice buds that grow off the sides...but if you really cant have that going then =/

just take the side lights off and put them on top =) i'm pretty sure it'll stop getting wider and start getting taller


Well-Known Member
yea it is starting to look like it is stretching rather then thickening finally. Here are some pics from this morning...i'll try moving the lights above it if it keeps getting wider.

does any have any thoughts on a potential yield??? I'm just curious bc when you look at strains online a lot of the indicas are like 350-500grams...thats like almost a pound minimum, and I know that isn't the case. Supposedly the seeds are an amsterdam strain of either ak-47 or northern lights, doesn't really look like ak though. Just trying to get a ballpark idea, to see if I might be able to pay for all this damn lighting equipment I had to buy! Thanks!

The last pic is from about 3 weeks ago...ya can see the slight amount of progress about 3 INCHES a day in height for the past 2 days!



Well-Known Member
any thoughts on the yield?? This is my first plant, so i have no clue what to expect...anyone out there w/ some experience growing indicas, what would u expect from a plant this size on day 3 of flowering? I know there is no good answer to that question, but i need to get an idea just so i know if i will be able to pay off all of the money i spent on nutes and lights and have some of the plant left to actually enjoy myself.

ps, incase it will help you estimate....i did top her, so she has 2 main colas



New Member
you have what i call a trooper she wants to grow and grow and grow no stopping her do it man do it you wont regret it fuck ill send you the light just to c what would happen


New Member
or take like 50 clones from it and leave 4 main branches to flower and with the money youmake on the plant buy what you need to make the 50 clones go lol do it


Well-Known Member
I tell ya man, I do need to find a bigger pot to put that thing in...right now it holds 2 1/2 gallons of water, and it is fucking empty in 2 days if I don't refill; she is a thirsty beast. i have a 430w HPS but the plant is in a small ass closet and last time i hooked that thing up before the grow it got up to 130F in there i'm saving that light for the future when I have more room and stick to CFL's now...the walls are only 18" wide x 5' long w/ 9' im worried about width, she is crammed in there.

So it is possible to maybe get close to a pound if I give her enough TLC??? I'm reading all these other threads telling people they may get like an oz. or 2 off of their plants, so i wasn't sure...

Any more opinions???