Is there a SSV specialist in the house? I need help asap!


Well-Known Member
Ok so my wand broke, it was short and had the time glass thing so I am assuming thats the new one, well I get the new one and its longer and bowl seems bigger (is this a old model)? Furthermore I remember on my last wand, it was gently push screen down and flip it to catch the edge, this wand seems to not allow that, and my screen sits unevenly (could not figure out why my bowl went so fast-It was being sucked into the hose. How do i properly sit this wand? -_-


Well-Known Member
hahaha ok my SSV (vape) I got a new wand, it seems really tall and bowl is much larger then my other wand. So to change the screen on the "newer" wands you placed it half down, and flipped the screen this made it settle into place and you were ready to toke, but it seems like my newly shipped wand is the old on and thus I have no clue how to properly place the screen in.


Well-Known Member
Hahahahahaha ooooooh ok, now I get it. I was like "wait... WAT" :lol:

Hmmmmmm this could be way off... but every time I put a new screen in my cleaned slide for my bong, it would never sit right either because it was new, slick glass. So I usually just pack a bowl but carefully have it resting on the screen and not to knock it out. After a few hits the screen starts to stick with the resin.

That could be your problem, the glass is new and wont hold the screen like old glass with resin.


Well-Known Member
hmmmm maybe but to get nice full hits I gotta suck hard (haha-laugh at will) but that forces it through the screen


Well-Known Member
go to there website and check which wand you bought, and which one you should have bought. there are different types of wands now for the standard, shperical, and ground glass.


Well-Known Member
ya Smokin I know there are different ones, I have standard glass but I think there are two kinds, quick change new one (which is the flip version) the other is installed differently..... :( Damn I cant vape! I want my big clouds off to mfIb have to go!


Well-Known Member
like literally the weed sucks right through the sides-past the screen :(

Hahaha like the pressure and lil pieces of heated weed lol they burnt my tongue -_-


Active Member
Sounds like you just got a wand blown slightly off, I'd contact either where you got it from or the makers of SSV asking for a replacement or at least a deal on a new one.