is there a thread/area for questions about the business side of Mary Jane?


Active Member
I am really excited about the possibility of starting a small (one person one location boutique like) edible business. Anyone else on here doing anything like this? Or is this not the forum for this? I am sure that all the legal stuff will vary from state to state. My state hasn't worked out all the details of selling real pot yet. (MN) this should be happening in 2025 I think. MY goal is to get good at growing and making my own edibles by then so I can offer a great product.
What I am interested in is if anyone else does this and has any advice or tips on how they make it work. marekting, pricingj, you know the general business type questions only relating specifically to marijuanna.
I worked in a MI dispensary and there was one small company doing edibles that stuck out to me Ghostbudsters they made these nice peanut butter cups with different toppings. However if you look them up on instagram you'll notice the edible side and the farming are two different entities. I'm not sure what the legislation is like there but here in MI you need a commercial license to grow for the rec market even if its going into edibles (those aren't cheap) I feel the growing skills will help but it also wouldn't hurt to experiment with extraction and compare the effects, personally i notice a difference from distillate, live resin, and hash. Its almost like each hit you in its own way. Until they hammer out the fine details I feel the one of the main things you can do is work on the whole process and learn as you go
explain please?
the barrier to entry in the cannabis industry is largely financial. Most states have given companies with deep pockets an inherent advantage by creating extremely expensive licensing fees and rigorous and costly standards that must be meticulously maintained and regularly verified by state inspectors. People have this notion that they can grow in their garage or make edibles in their kitchen and sell to dispensaries and in most states that simply isn't the case. If you don't have large amounts of investment capital on hand or some very wealthy and generous investors the cards are seriously stacked against you.
explain please?
There is no credit for cannabis businesses. Landlords are very hesitant to rent to them as well because of mortgage stipulations. It’s months after you launch before the first bud has been prepped, analyzed and put up for sale. Most states copy others so security is a huge expense with video showing every corner of the operation and the state is allowed to view. Is required to view. Burglar alarms and security fences and more.

All in cash. No banking. No credit. It’s a rich person’s game all the way. For example in Alaska, which copied Colorado and Washington, a limited license is for 500 square feet of canopy. No more. To get set up here you’re looking at $75k before you can sell your first prerolls.
Unless you’re independently wealthy and have acces to a shitload of capital or shady private investment firms behind you theirs no way for regular folk to get the licensing
And almost invariably these money fucks don’t know anything about growing. Nothing. So they hire growers and try to learn it all from them before firing them. Seen it over and over.
And almost invariably these money fucks don’t know anything about growing. Nothing. So they hire growers and try to learn it all from them before firing them. Seen it over and over.
The guy who trained me had decades of experience. When my state went legal, he applied with his own money, and instead they allegedly gave liscences to their friends under the table, and when the people petioned and then voted to have access to the records, the courts blocked it. Of those initial liscences, only a handful made it to market because they have no idea what they're doing, and the ones that made it to market are making bank selling mids to people who paid $80 an eighth in college.

My mentor went off the deepend with harder drugs and ended up dying...

All of this is to say, don't put everything you have into opening this buissiness if you aren't willing to get absolutely butfucked by the state. Also, don't do coke.
I’m just hoping once federal legalization hits they have some kind of program to get vets access to capital and entry. Bout my only hope of getting in and being my own boss. I fucking hate working for somebody else lmao
I’m just hoping once federal legalization hits they have some kind of program to get vets access to capital and entry. Bout my only hope of getting in and being my own boss. I fucking hate working for somebody else lmao
If it wasn’t illegal at the federal level banks could loan you money. Landlords could rent without worry. You could actually deposit your money instead of having to have a safe and a damned gun.
wow so depressing. Not a lot of info yet available for my state. seems like they are taking a different approach? but I don't have my head in the clouds. Sadly I realize how corrupt the system is.
It looks like I might qualify under the micro business category. 500 application fee and a 5k square foot to grow and sell from one location only.
2k renewal license. whatever that means. I can't find any other information at this time. I guess I will have to wait and see.