Is there a way to store MJ thats "sent proof" from dogs?


Kind a new at this , so was Just wondering if there is a full proof way to store a little over run of my legal grow of 48 oz of dried bud . I can grow up to 30 plants at a time as a provider for someone else. (15 for me 15 for them) there budding now and I don't want to throw it out by law... haha... if I am over on my personal grow and don't want to have it found if I get another visit form the local sheriff's dept. like 2 weeks ago(with a search warrant) checking on my grow. they were very nice about it making sure I was incompliance with the law, which I was . But with dogs I heard they can sniff out anything so would worry they might find a small stash even in vacuum packed bags or jars etc.. any one got any thought on the matter ? Thanks

Chronic Masterbator

Well-Known Member
Wear a keychain that emits a sound they dogs dislike and keeps them from barking. I forgot where it is Google it. Supposedly our troops use them if enemy combatants have dogs that would alert their location. I would keep pressing it every time the dog got near what its trained to search for.


Well-Known Member
well there is no full proof way to keep any scent away from a dog unless is in a fluid container but it has to be over 10-15 gallons. so on that note where do you store your legal load of meds? build a false drawer,wall what ever you have just store the extra with what you have right under there nose where they least expect it. use a mirror back with a space behind a mirror it makes everything look different when you look into a cabinet with a mirror back they will never know there is more behind the mirror and the dog will lead them straight to your "stash" for your "stash"


Grammar Nazi's are good to have around , it reminds us of what is important in life .........MARIGAWANA :weed: thanks for the useful comment


Well-Known Member
what about all the hype with coffee or was that just the movies?.. can't pepper fuck their noses up too someone told me they would always carry pepper packets in their car.. if they said the dogs where coming they would pour it on their seats (first place the dog hits usually) and it wouldn't be able to smell for the rest of the stash? if you are that worried then why don't you just keep the overflow at a separate location?


Well silasravrn I suppose it's possible to get raided for a few oz over on my grow but don't think its worth there effort. Maybe I am wrong but its a small fine now like a traffic ticket and you loose only what your over the limit by what the law read. Just was wondering what some of you would recommend. Thanks all for your reply ......:leaf: