Is there an effective method of odor control in a greenhouse?


Well-Known Member
Ive been contemplating building a greenhouse if i could control smell effectively. It almost seems like wih good ventilation it wouldnt be overwhelming with it being outside.


Well-Known Member
A lot of people will vent all the air from their indoor grows to the outdoors for the world to smell. Depending on your location and where the greenhouse is located, is smell that big of a factor being outdoors? I think if your going to try to make the greenhouse smell proof, you will end up disappointed.


Well-Known Member
My question is more of, can i keep it to where it isnt overwhelming and extremely obvious. If i didnt filter my air youd smell it 10ft from my house or better. I have no experience with ona, does it mask the smell at all?


Well-Known Member
I can smell my greenhouse for about 1 block. In every direction!
Your plants will grow soooo well inside your greenhouse, they will stink to high heaven!
Good luck

P.S. Carport frames work good for a greenhouse


Well-Known Member
you would need a massive carbon filter to clean that much air haha

Do you live in a residential area? How far away are your neighbors?

If you dont have close neighbors i wouldnt worry about it


Well-Known Member
MJ stinks and I won't lie. If you think it will not be overwhelming it's cuzz you haven't done it yet. Take some advice and either control it (Big carbon scrubber) or accept having your neighbors know you grow pot. That's the choice
get the right strain low smelling and u should be ok stay away from ak47 coz that smells and grow sun flowers and other tall plants and it will hide ur weed its what i used to do