Is there any real growing forums??


Active Member
well half the world is retards. So your telling me that riu is different then the rest of the dipshits ALL OVER THE FUCKING NET? Half of the people growing pot are normal people. the other half are kids in high school, wearing their hat croooked, thinking their black. This is the most laid back forums. I enjoy it. I was welcomed with kindness. I am also on,, Grasscity etc. is full of people I would like to kill. You post anything on there and you get this as a response repeatedly "Im so much better than you! your a fucking idiot! Im so fast!"


Well-Known Member
With "trolls and idiots" comes comedy gold. I have never laughed so hard then some of the posts I have read by "trolls and idiots". Please, let's not scare them away. :dunce:

rock lobster

Well-Known Member
I know of another weed forum exclusively for growers. I haven't really been on it too much yet, but it looks like a decent place.


Well-Known Member
you have to figure out whos real and whos not. go to club 600 threads and youll be fine.
amen to that babydro...there are some good people here, some assholes and a lot of kids imo trying to impress each other, for what reason idk but i have recieved alot of help and knowledge from these fines folks. it's pretty easy to pick the winners, the rest are just kinda funny but usually you can learn something from their ignorance as well. good luck :peace:


Well-Known Member
Basically getting sick to death of weird shit on this site any other forums worth looking at?? a place not full of idiots and trolls real growers??? thanks
Like the others have said, wade through the BS. Find the people who have legit grow threads and subscribe/befriend them. Ignore the CFL/miracle grow/never grown a plant spewin advice... people who have legit equipment obviously have a lot more invested into this. you choose the viewing experience really.


Well-Known Member
Since it is the Internet, you will find both gurus and douches every you go. It's par for the course.


Well-Known Member
like a slice from life here we have all kinds the good the bad and the ugly

theres ego trips peeps that answer should be listning
one question get 10 answers 3 say yes 3 say no 3 admits they dont know 1 argues his point is wrong and gets irrate

good thing that in the end there answers dont mean a thing but collected data
cause we must collect the data process it then do whats best for us our setup an whut we are growin




Well-Known Member
like all public places its a mix , depends on the % that really matters

if you look at youtube , 50% of all posts are gushing accounts of how this band was the worlds greatest and all others were simply playing catchup , then theres 25% out and out wankers , 5% racists dipshits , 19% off topic and that small pittance that made you read in the off chance there may be something of interest , a classic example is i watched a video the other day and posted something up which was followed by a lady who posted she was in the video , for this post alone i loved her with all my heart

in other words sift through and find peace and happiness , its there if you see and not just look

fuck me im profound today


Well-Known Member
It doesn't help that some of the newer moderators are wielding their "power" to influence conversations and filter out opinions with which they simply disagree.

Thankfully potroast kicks ass and cares about this website and is dealing with the situation.

But as long as your source of information is on the internet, expect to filter thru a bunch of bullshit. Not just with pot growing, but everything.


Well-Known Member

BTW I wasn't talking about you, we've never spoken. I imagine you had a guilty conscience though, from what I've read. ;)
you just made this about me.

i have no idea why.

i saw the irony in your 2 posts and pointed it out. that is all. anything else is YOUR drama.


Well-Known Member
you just made this about me.

i have no idea why.

i saw the irony in your 2 posts and pointed it out. that is all. anything else is YOUR drama.
No, I just made this NOT about you. Didn't want you to think it WAS about you. I don't know you. Take it easy.


Well-Known Member
No, I just made this NOT about you. Didn't want you to think it WAS about you. I don't know you. Take it easy.
no, you were talking about potroast, the guy you have the man crush on.

i understand, not sure where your confusion is coming from though.