Is there any thing else I should be doing?

Hey guys, I have 4 x ak48 plants that are 5 weeks into flower, there in coco natural under 2 x 400w hps lights, I've been feeding them every day or two with canna A and canna B, today I've been and got some canna pk 13/14 and was to told to put 15ml in the watering can with the nutes for one week, are there any other ways or products i can use to maximise my crop? Thanks :)

Pat Man

Active Member
molasses. 1/2-1 tsp. every water before flushing supposedly improves yield 15-30%. I use it but not too sure if it does anything


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, I have 4 x ak48 plants that are 5 weeks into flower, there in coco natural under 2 x 400w hps lights, I've been feeding them every day or two with canna A and canna B, today I've been and got some canna pk 13/14 and was to told to put 15ml in the watering can with the nutes for one week, are there any other ways or products i can use to maximise my crop? Thanks :)
I would definitely stay away from the natural stuff because it's hard to measure and plants all react differently.

I would try a bloom enhancer from AN, if it were me.

Big Bud Bloom Booster
Bud Blood Bloom Stimulator
Bud Candy
Final Phase
Kushie Kush
Revive Crop Protection
VooDoo Juice Root Booster

Lots to choose from. I like Bud Candy and Voodoo Juice best.

good luck!