Is there any way to get Gnats off of bud?

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
Or do you just tell people its Organic? :mrgreen:

Seriously though. We had an issue with gnats this last run due to overwatering and new folks running the grow. Many of our buds had 2-4 gnats clearly pretty embedded. There may be no easy way to remove them but figured id ask.


Well-Known Member
Or do you just tell people its Organic? :mrgreen:

Seriously though. We had an issue with gnats this last run due to overwatering and new folks running the grow. Many of our buds had 2-4 gnats clearly pretty embedded. There may be no easy way to remove them but figured id ask.
Fly paper, Gnatrol, and an ice pick should do it.


Well-Known Member
Take a 20oz pop bottle, cut off the top 3 inches or so Put an inch or so of honey in the bottle, add a splash of vineger also. Now take the top of the 20oz u cut off, remove the lid, then flip it upside down and put it in your bottle full of honey creating almost like a funnel. Now them lil basterds will enter the bottle and either drowned or are unable to figure out how to get out, and just die.


Well-Known Member
Cleanliness is next to godliness.. tell the people running your grow to keep it clean. Once had a gnat problem once I couldn't get rid of them and i found a little piece of concrete in the room were they were getting under and making sweet love. so check everywhere. happy growing


Well-Known Member
Getting them off the bud is easy, a few passes with a hot air blow drier and they gone!

Getting them to leave the room, that's another story!


Well-Known Member
if you have nats on the buds you more then likely have mold inside the bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you need to get a dehumidifier and, breaking a bud into half see what is going on . i have seen this before, and they had black mold in side them, please post it if you do with pics, so the new guys can learn, HOPEFULLY IM WRONG, and its not the case, as long have you have the humidity less then 55, and fans going your more then likely ok

Lucius Vorenus

Well-Known Member
if you have nats on the buds you more then likely have mold inside the bud!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you need to get a dehumidifier and, breaking a bud into half see what is going on . i have seen this before, and they had black mold in side them, please post it if you do with pics, so the new guys can learn, HOPEFULLY IM WRONG, and its not the case, as long have you have the humidity less then 55, and fans going your more then likely ok
How you conclude that means mold inside bud is beyond me. The gnats live in the medium and come from it being too wet. Having some gnats on your bud does not = MOLD