Is there anybody there?


Hello I'm Hux a veteran of the ole HG420 who has been out of action through the big C (which maryjane helped me defeat:clap:).

Been growing for many years now, learnt off my uncle and currently am growing a range of mendocino's plants such as citral and Jack.

Hippie soil grow, make my own compost use bio bizz and molasses and 400w+250wHPS. (cfl and sun for veg n cuttings)

Currently on a break from MJ whilst I wait for my grow to catch up to my smoking.

oh also constantly infected with borg..just a few at the mo but summer is always a bitch for them my way

Anyway just saying hi and that.

puff it up

hi all- just found this site not long ago there and i am finding it difficult to get chatting properly ? i had a reply but im not sure what page i was on to post the message ?! now i am on this page.... but always happy to chat so maybe this will get on ? my screen name is puff it up and hoping to find some happy tokers like myself so- HI ...xox...


Well-Known Member
hi puff it up, and huxley welcome to you both. piu its a bitch at first and u may make errors but if you persevere itll be worthwhile..


Thanks for the hello and that folks

KaleoXxX..infected with the borg translates to constant battle with spider mites...