Is there hope for these babies? Please help.

Lady luck

I recently purchased some feminized Ice and bubbliciouse seeds from nirvana.
These two popped right away and I left them in my humidity dome too long with only a florescent light.I was afraid of putting them out under the 400 for fear of them drying out. I moved them yesterday and put them under a 400 halogen anyway since they were obviously straining for light.
They are very spindly. Will they be ok? what can I do to prevent them from growing any taller without putting on some leaves. Will they live? babies 2.jpgbabies 1.jpg


Active Member
Cut a straw down the middle and wrap it around the stem and then stick it a little into the soil, this will keep the seeding from toppling over. You can use other support types but I find this to be the best option when my seedlings have stretched.


Well-Known Member

"what can I do to prevent them from growing any taller without putting on some leaves."

Bring them to within 2" of the florescent, they will stretch less with brighter light. Be careful of heat.

Use a hydro net basket for support incase the stem bends.

If you want to separate the two seedlings in the same pot go to the third page of the Jack The Ripper thread linked at the bottom of my post.



bud bootlegger
yah, they will be fine, i would just put them in a new container and bury them up to and past the cotylodens, this will help out a ton with that weak stem and won't hurt a thing...


Active Member
Also I noticed you have tuem in the same container? Not the best idea for a couple of reasons. Its gonna make it hard to trznsplant without disturbing the roots. Also the roots could get tangled. The idea is to cause the least amount of stress as possible when transplanting. Happy growing