Is there some kind of reference for this?

Hello! :) I'm just wondering if there is some type of guide (maybe with pictures?) about the different stages that plants should be at? I'm never sure when it goes from being a seedling to a plant, etc...

(I saw a picture of some other plants that were at 2 weeks that were FAR more advanced than mine, so I wasn't sure if he was just an awesome grower, or if my plants were just little runts....pretty sure it's the second ;) )

Thank you! <3 xoxoxo

Gary Busey

New Member
Every strain will behave differently, and will also be affected by their grow environments, i.e. lighting, growing medium, nutes used, etc....

Gary Busey

New Member
I wish I could give you a more specific answer.

If you let us know what strain you have (and from which breeder), the lights you use (or if it is outdoors), the growing medium, basically all the parameters involved,
and some pics of the plant(s) in their current stage, we can get a better idea if they are where they're supposed to be, or not.


Well-Known Member
Pretty much just check out the grow journals section and see how others look... IF you can post some pics.. and let us know about ur setup... ( lighting,soil or hydro, nutes, strain, ect)


Active Member
if it keeps growing bigger and looks healthy chances are your doing something right... 18/6 for veg some do 20/4 veg some do 24/0 veg then flip to 12/12 when your ready to flower, change your ferts and bloom that whore... lol

Tim Rogers

I would like to make a guess of what strain that is in the last picture i think it is either white rhino or trainwreck the picture does not show enof tho i was just browsing and saw it because i am too interested in such a guide.

Gary Busey

New Member
You could have 2 plants/strains, hell 200 plants/strains that look identical, but are totally different strains.
You cannot determine what strain a plant is by looking at a pic. You cannot even narrow it down to 20 strains.

There are so many strains out there these days, thousands of them, it is impossible to know exactly what is what, unless you got the seeds from a breeder or seed bank, or from a reputable and reliable source.

I think the strain above looks like Spanish Trampoline :mrgreen:

I would like to make a guess of what strain that is in the last picture i think it is either white rhino or trainwreck the picture does not show enof tho i was just browsing and saw it because i am too interested in such a guide.


Active Member
if your talking about my pic Guess again "Bag seed" dont know what strain but it was some decent bud just had some seeds which i have a lot of.... so it might be some good stuff never know.... waiting a month n 4 days to go...