Is there something wrong with my plants!?

I have two plants and they are in the second week and I've started to notice a few things that I don't think look right. Perhaps you guys can shed some light on the situation.

Both plants are growing indoors, under the same conditions, and the conditions are as follows:

Air Temp: ~75 degrees
Humidity: 20-35% and 40-50% on a rainy week (haven't had one yet)
Light Source: 3x26W CFL placed 2" from foilage (2x105W in the mail)
Growing Medium: 75% Un-Fert Soil, 10% Peat, 10% Perlite, 5% Sand
Air Flow: One mini desk fan, provides smooth air circulation

Plant 1

The leaves are getting pale, slowly but noticeably. Some leaves are bending in odd directions and I'm not sure if that's because the plants leaves are bending to the placement of lights (although the plant has a light directly above) or if there's something else causing it. The older leaves have very small brown spots on the tip, its hard to see, but worth mentioning. The most noticeable thing is I have two leaves that are drooping and some blades are curling upward. I don't know if that is due to under/over watering. I don't think it is over watered. I have only watered it twice since it has sprouted, watering it only when the soil is dry.

Plant 2

Plant two is also getting more pale like her sister (hopefully its a sister), slow but noticeable. Older leaves are showing burned tips. Other than that it seems fine.


Well-Known Member
Bro there is no N in the soil and the seedlings are starting to suffer. Get some veg nutes in there asap starting at a 1/4 str then 1/2 then full. Feed it weekly.

kbo ca

Active Member
leaves will curl down like that when they are being over watered. Also your soil doesn't look like it provides for adequate drainage. I don't see any perlite in your photos, this is contributing to your overwatering problem. Next time (or on your next transplant) add some chunk perlite to the mix you need a lot more of it to provide enough drainage. do you have the proper instruments to measure ph? If your ph is too acidic or too alkaline, it can hinder your plants ability to uptake nutrients, which in turn will make your leaves turn yellow. Good luck and respect to you


Active Member
They look a bit hungry, start using a weak veg solution. I use Botnicare Pro Grow mixed a 1/4th strength for seedlings in soil, every 3ed watering. Also, what is you're technique for telling how dry the soil is? Looks like you might be overwatering.


Well-Known Member
You have to have some nutrients:lol:It is cheaper without'em:-PI don't know what kind of nutrients your going to use just keep the ppm around 250 or sobongsmiliethen increasing it by 200 a week give'em plain water every other time:eyesmoke:Make sure you have holes in the bottom of those cups or whatever:lol:
The soil had a little perlite, and some sand. It doesnt take much water at all to get the water to drain out of the bottom. I added some nutes today, hopefully that helps. I'll add more perlite when I transport them to bigger pots. My method of testing dryness is I stick my finger about 1.5-2 inches in the soil. If its dry, I water