Is there such a thing as cheep seeds?

I have seeds that I think will be usefulfor breeding Cold Resistant strains
The plants don't have amazing buds but if someone could cross these with a heavy hitter I hope one phenotype will get through cold weather fine
my seeds from are doing great. big blue mother skunker and the blue islands. i'm save the god bud for next cycle. I gave them their first feeding yesterday and today when i checked on them they'd had their first spurt!
I'll check it out.. realisticy I lost my job not to long ago, and I need to supplement some income. If I pay 50-60$ and fuck it up I'm totally fucked financially.. already exhausted my resources on my setup, and failed a random mouth swab at work.. fml
That' kinda what I've been thinking.. Probably better off growing out some bagseed n loosing some personal for $ for good genetics.. not so worried about $ as of supporting myself.. but If I can say my shit has a name, around here I can get 65-70 for 3.5 easy, if it' got a name.. lol I mean, it's highway fucking robbery but times of need.... I'm in smalltown ohio what ppl call " loud" I know i could grow in my closet let alone my new tent.. seems to be what everyone around here does.. I got some "gg#4" not too long ago that was 70 n 8th that dude said he grew and it was complete shit.and it sold like crazy lol..
I'm from Ohio and you're right about how muthafuckas getting paid selling bullshit weed...theyre getting money for bunk
You get what you pay for, a 20 dollar seed van turn into over a thousand dollars in the right growers hands, if you are thinking you can make money without spending money you should look at another option honestly. I spend hundreds and humdreds per season on just 4 plants.from soil to amendments to nutes for veg and then for flower plus microscope trimming scissors oils, pesticides it' nor a cheap hobby. The seeds are the cheapest part of the grow.
You get what you pay for, a 20 dollar seed van turn into over a thousand dollars in the right growers hands, if you are thinking you can make money without spending money you should look at another option honestly. I spend hundreds and humdreds per season on just 4 plants.from soil to amendments to nutes for veg and then for flower plus microscope trimming scissors oils, pesticides it' nor a cheap hobby. The seeds are the cheapest part of the grow.
Amen brother!!!
When your starting from seed, most of the time you don't get the desired strain or any keepers at all for that matter..Rarely do you find a Gem but when you do it well worth it... Sometimes the seed does not germinate, you get males, or hermies... Try to buy seed from a reputable source and the seedbank that created it.. you can always buy feminized seeds by the singles... use seedfinder to research strains.. I recommend attitude seedbank to order from, Although single seed centre has free insurance.... Good luck
That' kinda what I've been thinking.. Probably better off growing out some bagseed n loosing some personal for $ for good genetics.. not so worried about $ as of supporting myself.. but If I can say my shit has a name, around here I can get 65-70 for 3.5 easy, if it' got a name.. lol I mean, it's highway fucking robbery but times of need.... I'm in smalltown ohio what ppl call " loud" I know i could grow in my closet let alone my new tent.. seems to be what everyone around here does.. I got some "gg#4" not too long ago that was 70 n 8th that dude said he grew and it was complete shit.and it sold like crazy lol..
Pretty much this here too
I’ve always had great luck with serious, very stable and quite good, the ones I’ve grown anyways. It was a few years ago so not sure if things have changed. White Russian is a winner imo