Is this a calcium issue ?


Well-Known Member
Definite yes on the cal-mag, how long she been in that soil?
Be careful some cal-mags have nitrogen in them

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Just plain tap water But I have it sit out for 24-48 hours for some chlorine to evaporate. But my other 3 plants seem ok and don’t have same deficiency

Herb potman

Well-Known Member
Meaning I have been giving too much nutes. I did do 2 feeds then 1 water then 1 feed again. Was guna go 2-1 feed to plain water. But U suggest I cut out nutes for a bit till this is done. Do I still consider buying calmag or does this have nothing to do with that at all


Well-Known Member
Meaning I have been giving too much nutes. I did do 2 feeds then 1 water then 1 feed again. Was guna go 2-1 feed to plain water. But U suggest I cut out nutes for a bit till this is done. Do I still consider buying calmag or does this have nothing to do with that at all
You could get some in case. But I think that's more like lockout. Too much of one nute can block other nutes.

I don't like the idea of chems with organic soil. If I was gonna use chems I'd use coco. But lots of people do soil with chems.


Well-Known Member
So just water for now then ?
Personally I'd water only for a week to 10 days and then slowly reintroduce your nutes back in with a schedule at a lower dose. Gradually increasing with each feeding.

And yea back off of the nitrogen until you begin to see some yellowing beginning at the bottom of the plant. Thats your sign to reintroduce a bit of nitrogen.