Is This A Daycare Center


Well-Known Member
I havent been posting as much as I used to but I have been reading the threads and it seems like there are a a whole lot of kids or really immature adults on this sight now.

I'm not trying to bitch or cause problems, this is just my opinion.


Well-Known Member
Im glad someone brought that up. I kind of think a little bit of both. Now Im very new to this site but have spent countless hours learning the tricks of the trade and this site has some very smart people on here to which I credit my success to. I like to be low key and stealth mode so I don't post to many questions. I have found everthing I need on this site and to that I have a huge first grow from doing research on this site. Now there is nothing wrong with posting questions and Im not saying there is but before you post something spend a couple minutes as I gaurantee you will find the answer and if not post. Next when I see ppl posting about which company to by seeds from and how they were delivered so stealthy to there house and then the fuckin idiots reveal exactly how they were shipped It makes me shake my head. Don't post what or how they were stealthy shipped? Don't kid yourself sites like these are monitored and for all you know I could be a cop? Who knows? Im not trying to make anyone paranoid but think about what you say over the net. So they have the shipping company thanks to you and now they know what type of packages to flag. How long do you think before the get shut down. This is how they get shut down info from you. Seeds are in need so why run your mouth. A simple "I got my stealth package would work would't it". Why do people start post without pictures? How the fuck can anyone figure out WTF if they can't even see what your talking about. If you need help post a picture. Now I live in Canada and have a buddy that works at the power company. Im sure the US would be close to the same as us as well. Now he told me you can run atleast 1000w per room to around 3 - 5000 watts extra a month even before they give a shit. After that they may keep a eye on your bill a bit a maybe be a call. If its out of controll they will do a power audit on your house before the feds show up. They are not going to kick your door down for anyless. If they do its because you have a big mouth? A typical window mount airconditioner runs anywhere from 2-3000 watts. Or two space heaters equal the same. My air runs from the time I leave at 8 and runs full throttle untill 9 at night. No questions asked. So anything else your paranoid. Now maybe some of these power questions are because the younger guys are growing at there parents place which is retarded cause if you do get pinched your parents lose there house big or small they will take it all. So I would like to thank everyone on this site wether young or old for all your tips and secrects to growing as they have made me very successfull.