Is this a female please someone respond this time

sweet its a mini this is my first time i plan on doing something bigger when I move out. For the amount of work I put in ten or twelve grams sounds fine. I have another one I'm afraid it might turn out to be a hermie. It looks like it has some pistils but then it looks like its about to gain nuts. Oh well that would be sweet because then I would have seeds and some more slightly less potent dope.


Well-Known Member
too blurry pic to properly tell, sorta looks like pistils.

but if you got white thin hairs at the top most nodes at the stem.

then its sure a female.

balls are very distinctive too, (they are balls) once they fully appear.

dont worry, just relax and wait (go play a game or something, take your mind off the grow)


Active Member
These in flower or still in veg? Usually can't tell until flower, you lack a bit of info. If you want people to help you, at least give some info and some sort of quality photo please...


Active Member
Yep, I see a pistil in the last pic, its hard to make out cause of the blur but if you back away from the screen it's visible. Congrats!


Second picture shows pistils. Smoke some weed to stop the shaking. Don't worry about the pictures, some people see the pistil yet still will complain, ego boosters...
Yea I see pistils on my other plant. I'm going to let them grow as much as possible before switching the lighting cycle. If I got a half dry weight I would be stoked.
ok got more pics.. I'm new to sexing so I need someone to confirm my suspicion that this is a female and those are pistils. Thank you for any advice/tips.




RIU Bulldog
It's still a little hard to tell but I'm gonna say they're not showing pre-flowers yet. I think your looking at the stipules.
View attachment 1523848
I thought it might be cause of the 2nd pic in the first two, but after I saw the new pics I don't think it's possible to tell yet. I didn't see any signs of pre-flowers, and by looking at the size of the whole plant it looks to small to show flowers unless you have it in 12/12 anyways. either you gotta wait a while longer or throw it in 12/12 to find out for sure.


Well-Known Member
Agreed, I only see stipules in those pics. Also,...yes, those look to be small trichs, where the THC is produced.