Is this a F'N male????Help


Well-Known Member
Since this is really my first grow and i have seen tons of pics but when confronted with the problem yourself i guess i just need a 2nd opinion. And rather quickly if possible so i can take him up out my box...

Thanks to all the help out...



Well-Known Member
Realy difficult to tell fromthe pictures to be honest i have have looked at this thread a few times and the small sacks at the internodes might be female flowers watch for a white stima comeing from it.You will have to let it go a little more but it will be easy to tell within the next week or so.


Well-Known Member
To the trained eye, that is male.

Yup that's a male all right. Sucks but you don't just have one plant growing do you?? Regular seeds have about a 55% chance of being a female and 45% chance of being a male. But if you use a 16/8 light cycle you tend to produce more females.


Well-Known Member
i know im new so i cant claim to know that i know for a fact that this is a male but from all the pic i havent seen a single female with balls unless it was a hermie but i really dont want to keep it in the box to find out. also can a female only get pollenated when showing the 2 pistils???


Well-Known Member
sorry bro thats a male the longer you keep it the more balls will pop up. at that stage you should already see white hairs.


Well-Known Member
looks like a male to me!!! but you never know .. i was wondering... once i started using fox farm nutes, it seemed as though my ratio of females to males increased greatly ....i had 5 boys before i saw any girls out of 18 plants. once i added the fox farm trio girls popped up i have a 4-5 girls in my tent and still waiting on the other 3 or 4 to show me their genitals. could the nutes be helping the process of making females for me??? I know genetics are genetics but.....?


Well-Known Member
ok so they say that the male show sex first since this is my 1st grow with 2 plant i hope that, that holds true. the other shows no signs of sex so i im keeping my fingers crossed...Man its hard for me to kill this plant i have taken it out of my box but i cant pull it


Active Member
it gets easier, sac'd bitches have no place in my heart, trying to go and pollenate my beautiful little girls, im only on my 2nd grow and out of a total of 9 ive had 4 hermie's and two full on males, it hurts but its like getting the pedophile removed from your neighborhood....its good for everyone in the end, good luck and happy growing, nothing quite like homegrown smoke!!


Well-Known Member
im glad this is just some bagseed i got my dna xmas specials on the way im not to pissed just seems hard to tear up something i have raised from a


Well-Known Member
Please explain why? Why not just 50/50?

Just have read in numerous books just comes out that way. Not my numbers but yeah I don't see why 50/50 isn't good enough. I have actually had a better female to male ratio. With the 16/8 my ratio runs around 70/30 when germing 5 to 10 seeds at a time.


Well-Known Member
male to female ratio is also environmental and varies from strains. I usually get about a 70% female ratio but i may just be lucky


if u had a female u could have breeded one nug and got a handfull of seeds to start again =) ....but u dont lol sorryyyy buddy. i guess what i would do is flower it until the sacks are about to pop and then pluck them off and put em in a jar, let em dry out and seal it shut. keep the pollen and when u get a female u can use a small paintbrush to pollinate 1 branch on a flowering female. easy and very useful if u cant clone =)


Well-Known Member
But if you use a 16/8 light cycle you tend to produce more females.
Who really knows if this is true. There is no real way to tell last time I grew from non feminized seeds I had 14 females out of 24 plants under 24 hours. Who's to say if I was on 18/6 I would have more? With seeds it's always a game of luck/chance. That 18/6 producing more females theory is only theory and there is no way to prove it. I say go 24/0 and get 25% faster growth rates. You're always going to be around 50/50 give or take unless you have really good or bad luck or are using feminized seeds. If you don't mind sorting out males I always recommend going regular (not feminized). With regular seeds you'll get some females and some males but your females are most likely to stay female. With feminized seeds you run a greater risk of your females being hermie in the end.


Well-Known Member
looks like a male to me!!! but you never know .. i was wondering... once i started using fox farm nutes, it seemed as though my ratio of females to males increased greatly ....i had 5 boys before i saw any girls out of 18 plants. once i added the fox farm trio girls popped up i have a 4-5 girls in my tent and still waiting on the other 3 or 4 to show me their genitals. could the nutes be helping the process of making females for me??? I know genetics are genetics but.....?

I think females just take a lil longer to show