Is this a good setup?


Active Member
  • Tent size: 1.2m x 1.2m
  • Light: 600W HPS
  • Nutes: Bio bizz Grow & Bloom
  • Growing medium: Canna terra professional soil
  • Strain: Kalashnikova - Green house seed co.
  • Grow from clones
  • Veg for 4 weeks
  • flower for 9-10 weeks

I was thinking of using 64x 15cm (1.5L) pots and growing 64 small plants,
Is it possible to yield at least 2-3 ounces from each plant.
Is this possible?
If not, please suggest improvements.
Many thanks guys,
No hate please, I've never grown indoors before


Well-Known Member
nothing to say bout the setup... but i myself grown some Kalashnikova and it has hermi tendencies if took from clones! better start seed. 1.5L pots will be small for cannabis plant from start to finish! and the 600w light u wants to use wont be able to handle that much and u'll finish up pulling out GRAMS from each plant! finally i think 64 plants is a huge number to start with... either add more light or grow less plants! Happy 420

ink the world

Well-Known Member
To answer your question, no you won't pull 2-3 Oz a plant with 64 plants under a single 600 watt light.
Your yield is directly correlated to the amount of light. In other words a 600 watt light will produce the same yield w/ 5 plants or 64 plants.

64 plants is very ambitious for a first grow, I'd scale the numbers back so it's more manageable. I'd also start with better genetics, most seasoned growers won't touch gear from GHS..

good luck with your grow


Well-Known Member
^^^ what he said. Light determines max weight at harvest. Newbs should shoot for 25-50% of watts in gram weight. 600w = 150 to 300 grams.

Just a suggestion, start with one or two plants and grow your experience before your plant count.

Rastafari InI

Active Member
Im just posting to back up what Ink the world said, he nailed your question.It really doesn't matter about plant numbers if thats why your choosing 64 plants, you will yeild the same amount wih 1 plant than with 100 if you use the same light. Also if you get caught 64 plants will get you in some serious trouble.

People aim to get a gram per watt with HID lights good growers can get slightly more,(depends very much on the strain though) so with a 600w you can get 600g if you feed right, your environment is perfect, and have good genetics.

No one will be able to get even 1oz a plant with 64 plants with a 600w. 600grams = 21 ounces, you will NOT get much more than this unless you use more lights.

And the most important thing the genetics, just like I.T.W stated not many people if anyone who knows what there doing use greenhouse seeds, seriously dude use some better genetics, greenhouse is by far some of the worst genetics available.

Also the bigger the roots the better don't try to cram your roots into as small pot/space as possible, this is a common mistake by noobs that think they save space by doing this, but your only fooling yourself and yield will suffer tremendously if there is not enough space for the roots.