is this a hermie 'balls/pollen sack?? hoping not!!!


hi im on a first grow and all is well into 8th day of 12/12 after 5 weeks of veg from seed now 29inches tall , plants have been all topped once and temps and humidity have been constant throughout, after switching to 12/12 8 days ago ive been keepig a close eye on the preflowers /pistils etc (btw these are ww x bb feminised).

ive noticed a few unusual preflower looking things on the front two plants in the grow room, these both have white pistils coming from most parts of the budsites although there are i few i'm unsure of, any help advice would be appreciated ive tried my very best to take clear pics

please help asap

p.s. ive pulled a one of these suspicious looking things off each plant and found them to be empty with a slightly oily skunk smellingEBAY 006.jpgEBAY 007.jpgEBAY 001.jpgEBAY 002.jpgEBAY 003.jpgEBAY 004.jpgEBAY 005.jpg substance inside ???


p.s these images can be zoomed into very closely without any distortion if downloaded and view using a photo editor/viewer


is that a definate? so u reckon i should pull the 2 out asap?
just im kinda new to all this and would appreciate any advice cheers


Well-Known Member
those male flowers look primordial (immature) right now but it won't be long until some viable ones start showing up.


yeah they were grew from feminised seeds and there is pistils elsewhere on plant so im guessing a hermaphodite? bastard!! this is one 2 out of 8 plants!!! :-(


Well-Known Member
sorry man,they are male pollen sacks,the first 5 pics clearly show this,the final 2 pictures look female tho.
how many plants are you growing?coz if its quite a few,its strange that theyre all herms.
next time get some dutch master reverse just to be on the safe side,but it doesnt really work on stress herms tho.
topping shouldnt have made them herm,ive topped and supercropped plenty of fems and they didnt herm.
always do your research on a strain before you buy seeds.that strain your growing might have a rep for herming.


yeah i read that they have a tendency to herm (white widow x bid bud feminised from femaleseeds), silly mistake i wont make again. im growing 8 plants and 2 have shown these flowers thats the ones ive posted the pics of. ill pull the 2 out which have the male flowers tmoro morning and thoroughly check the rest when i do this. do u recommend that i keep checking the rest of the plants throughout the flowering stage or will all have shown hermie status within the few 2 - 3 weeks of flipping to 12/12?
ill post pics of the growCopy (2) of EBAY 008.jpgEBAY 016.jpgCopy of EBAY 009.jpgCopy of EBAY 013.jpgEBAY 012.jpgEBAY 015.jpg now to show you wot my first grow looks like so far. sorry for the hps :-(

Rascality Afoot

Well-Known Member
I know this isn't very helpful, but fem seeds are bad for herms, bad for the shallow captive ganja gene-pool, and are a short term solution to a short term problem. Just grow some regular seeds and find a nice mother to give you happy girls who are comfortable with their sexuality. I've been very dissapointed with fem seeds so far, and I've seen to many people give up on their garden because their overpriced fem seeds don't deliver.

Now something kinda helpful...

If your plants are all gonna be herm anyways, grow them out and make hash! You can still pull alot of hash or oil off of seeded plants.

They'll keep sprouting bananas until late in flowering. You may not know until quite late in flowering if they will or won't. if you pick at male flowers, you can prevent alot of polination.


cheers for the info i think i will just pull the two that have shown signs and hope for the best with the rest. everything has been going so well since day 1 maybe too good, no stretching no discolouration no nute burn ph ec and temp and humidity have been perfect im guessing these type of seed are just not worth the price of the packets they are sold in. may choose cutting from a reputable source of as you say normal seeds and find a gud mother, how you think the grow is coming along guys? regardless of the hermies lol


Well-Known Member
Firstly, i'm sorry to see that 2 of them hermie'd on u - hopefully the other 6 will stay feminine & sexy for u! I got 2 Blueberrys going at moment & 1 of them went hermie just after 12/12 switch. These were from bagseed so i kinda expected it but it is the 1st time i've ever had a hermie - normally i'll always buy fem seeds from a famous name/quality seedhouse's & i've thankfully never had a fem seed hermie yet.

As a side note on seed buying selection, I think the problem is that now homegrowing is so popular loadsa companies are jumping on the bandwagon to bang out seeds & make money, yet they haven't done the R&D that established seedhouses have done. As with any consumer product, it is hard to dechiper advertising that companies make (as obviously they all claim to be amazing!), but i'd say try & pick a seed company that has got at least 10 years experience behind it. As a general rule, hermie's should be less prevalent in superior genetics & also, alot of trusted seed companies may well send u extra seeds if u write & tell them u got loadsa hermie problems with a particular batch, as they have more of a reputation to protect then a quick-buck start-up company.
And as someone else already said, do alot of research on any seeds/companies u pick as potential purchases - i.e. typing "Sensi Seeds Review, SS Comments, SS Complaints, SS Scam", etc, etc into Google should find most good or bad comments from past growers. And lastly remember any seed can be abit of a lottery, hence why u doing 8 to start with is good idea as if some do drop out the race, then at least u got some to continue onto the finish for u!

And secondly, to answer u on how yours are looking - in my humble opinion i'd say they look structurally sound - nice, stocky, quite squat & good fat leaves. Looks like should get good bud development if it continues how it is & they certainly seem to be loving that light u have them under! Shame we can't see the colour (i know u apologised for HPS already! lol!) but i don't see any other deficiency/problems to make me think the leaves wouldn't be a good, healthy green!

Keep it up & best of luck!


cheers for that, and in the future ill do more research into the suppliers of the seeds to avoid
that same disappointment again. the lights seems to be helping alot. well i cut the other two hermied
plants out of the grow room and stamped on them to warn any future to be hermies to stay
away!!! hahaha. ill start another threat titled 'HERMIES GONE REST OF GROW TO HARVEST HERE!!!'
thats if any of yous wanna c wot happpens and wot it turns out like

cheers again for the help!