Is this a hermie?

My friend is coming to the end of his first grow. He just noticed this little oddity. It looks like it could be a seed pod or a pollen sac. Does he need to worry? If it is a herm, will the bud still be good? The plant was on day 53 of flower at the time of the picture.

pic 1.jpgpic 2.jpg

This is the only instance that has been seen on this plant so far. Here is a pic of another bud from the same plant.

pic 3.jpg

Thanks in advance.


Well-Known Member
Yes.... That's a "Nanner"... pick it off... when a new one pops pick it off ... That contains enough pollen to make a "Shitload" of seeds...
1) Cut it and dry it very imature [I have done this, and gotten hi from plants buds] maybe 1/2 potent
2) Pick them off as they pop out... and grow plant to end...

You may be surprised to find one morn you wake, and find one or two 'Nanners' on EVERY Bud....
Good Luck...


Active Member
I just killed one last night about as far along as yours; it sucks but I'd just move forward with other plants.


Well-Known Member
yeah you got yourself a hermie, i would just pluck it and let them finish, i they are almost done then even of they do pollinate they wont have time to grow the seeds.

also one nanner does have the potential to creats lots of seeds but more likely than not it wont create that many, a majority of the seeds will be on the bud that the nanner has poked out and you may find a straggler here and there but nothing major. i wouldnt kill the plant unless it starts really going bad and your getting a bunch of nanners. its easy enough to pick off the couple that grow in most cases. believe it or not most growers get hermies in with thier plants and never even notice them because they are so few and far between.

bird mcbride

Well-Known Member
In less than 18 days this little hotrod as everyone here says is going to have every pod laidened in seed. To be honest the plant looks hard done by but it still has some white hair that shows it'll continue growing for another week or so and I'd say by this stage even if you changed the growing condition alls you'd get is more empty seed pouches filled with red hair.
A decsion was made. The hermie was moved into a small grow box by itself. 2 stems were removed to make space for it in the box. One of the stems had the invading nanner. My friend trimmed and hung them (sans nanner). They were a bit early (50%ish cloudy, 2% amber) but he figured he could use the chance to try trimming for the first time. I would like to give some rep but don't know how (noob). Can someone tell me how or post a link?