Is This A Male or Female


Well-Known Member
Looks male, do you see any small white hairs, or is it just mini-grape looking things?

More pressing than the sex is the health, that plant has some serious problems. If it is female it's not gonna give you much.


Active Member

Yeah man. Def. hermie. Get that shit away from your other plants if you haven't already.


Active Member
That's not the plant. Thats a branch he cut off JUST for the picture. The actual plant is like 6 ft tall. He vegged for 5 months.


Active Member
I clipped a branch so i coudl take a pic... cam sucks so I had to.

I vegged it for 5 months and it had female preflowers whole time.

I did have some cold nights 40F a few times and had problems with nutirents while in veg.. but finalyl corrected everything after learning a lot. Well, 8 days into flower it goes hermie.. ha. Guess all the stress in veg messed it up.

It's joey weed ak47x nl by the way.

Thanks all


Well-Known Member
I know this is a total newb question, but why the big deal with the plants polinating? If you're okay with seeds in your weed, isn't it just fine if they're mixed (male and female or hermie and female)?

Where in the hell am I?

Well-Known Member
I know this is a total newb question, but why the big deal with the plants polinating? If you're okay with seeds in your weed, isn't it just fine if they're mixed (male and female or hermie and female)?
Dude, if yer the only one smokin it, do wat ya will. I havent smoke a bowl of stems and seeds fer @ least 15 years!