Is this a Male preflower?? please help!!


Its about 35 days old now. it was looking beautiful but i believe i just wasted the past month of my time and money on it.. so any help from growers who know what theyre doing and are good at spotting things like this wuld be greatly appreciated. And i had too trim alot! it was a bushy motherfucker and i was noticing alot of moisture buildup amongst the clusterfuck of fan leaves in the middle so i did alot of trimming so i culd determine sex easier and let new growth shoot up and avoid molding



Ill also add that when i rub a finger over these preflowers a lil white or green ball will roll out and i notice the "claw" like thing ppl say are males. but idk if that culd be undeveloped female pistils.
this is my first official indoor grow so id love to determine this things gender asap so i know to stop wasting my time and replace it with a fem :)

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
don't see any sex yet. and don't rub your finger over things, try not to add stress.
got a pic of the whole plant? are you running veg or flower right now?


Well-Known Member
You will need to learn patience if you intend on growing. Trimming off your leaves and tearing off things by rolling your fingers over it arent helping anything and in fact is hurting things. Patience.


Thanks for the advice ill try not to touch it or take anything off anymore im just gettting a bit edgy i guess. its in Veg now, im tempted to slowly ease it into flower so i can determine sex officially and if its female ill try to put it back into veg. its 35 days old and ive heard it culd possibly hermy from that so idk. im asking the pros here b4 i do anything drastic! so ill take all the help i can get. I did NEED to trim tho its not like i was cutting just to do it. the moisture buildup im almost certain would of molded and ruined my whole crop
11212401_971037552927095_99323658_n.jpg this was day 32 since they were put in the soil from germination.
11210300_972921526072031_772811586_n.jpg This is day 35 only moments after the trim so new growth hadnt perked up and was still growing oddly. but its nice and perking up atm ill try to keep pics updated for sure here on preflower development and overall plant growth

Im currently following a grower who has been growing legally for patients as well for over 10 years now and i informed him about the mositure buildup and he highly reccomended trimming the over growth. i feel it was neccesary honestly i culd of broke the branches or cut them better but i read somewhere that clipping branches with a pinch with the fingers instead of a clean cut from scissors will help it recover quicker. idk sorry for the noobish input here.


If i knew 100% it were fem. id let it go however long she needed but i have a bad feeling from what im seeing that its a male, and id feel pretty crappy if i wasted all this money and time just for a male :(
Ill do my best to stay patient with it and with you guys from here on out tho. alll advice will be greatly welcomed and taken in. im still new and i do have patience but not for a male. i was tempted to chop it just bcuz i was angry that i thought it was male. but ik im brand new to the growing game and i shuld probably seek more help b4 doing anything drastic (also id like to add u cant see in pics i posted, but alot of the bigger leaves that i had cut off were suffering or suffered from deficiencys that id fixed not that it matters really but the new growth appears to be happy and ik with more patience they will grow to be just as big just trying to make room for better air flow and to avoid mold. i wont be touching it anymore though

chuck estevez

Well-Known Member
nodes.JPG it WILL NOT hermie, what you should do is take a clone, after it has rooted, put the plant into flower, if it's male, chuck both, if it's female, let her go and you have a clone of her for next round.
the before you defoliated it pic looks great. a male usually won't alternate nodes and will have big gaps between nodes.


Well-Known Member
the pictures are not the best, its too early to be certain wait a little longer and post some closer pics, it looks like a male preflower but i cant be certain



I have another forum thread where ive posted updates since it was seedling (yes ive looped my 2 threads) Hopefully it culd help. the plant has been very symetrical tho and short node spacings. its actually proobably about 9 inches tall now since i trimmed. and thats probably the closest pic ill be able to get, im actually surprised my phone took a pic that decent. and im not using anyone elses phones to take pics of it.. sorry ill do my best to take better pics as this develops tho
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Yea everyone sais it looks like male preflower and ffrom all the searching ive done on the webs i have a bad feeling its a male too. :roll: Thus the reason why im starting to get irritated and impatient with it. i was pretty excited for this one to be a female too. you cant always win tho. culdnt of expected any more from bag seeds i suppose. But ill give it a week and post more / hopefully better pics of it to help determine for certain


Well-Known Member
Barely 4 weeks old?! And still in veg, bro listen to me. Leave it for now, its still too early if she's in veg. I understand not wanting to take care of a male but what if it was female? You ok with just tossing a female?
I have a friend that has been growing for a few years and he has been telling me that the last 3 years he has had horrible luck 4 out of 5 being male. I called bullshit and he started to tell me he'd see stuff way before he should. He prob threw away a lot of chicks that could have equated to pounds.
Give her a couple more weeks.


Alright Nugs illl take that advice id rather be safe than sorry even if it means taking care of it for a couple more weeks to tell. ill still keep pics coming with more development i see probably wihin the next couple of days


Well-Known Member
I could be wrong but then again I'm not saying its either or.... I'm just saying I want to be 100% sure.
Ive had plenty of ladies swell up a bit and then pop pistils.
Good luck I hope it is a lady.