Is this a nute burn?


Came home to this today. Reservoir has low water and i added a gallon worth of nutrients to it last night. This morning it was all good, but when i got home this happened. Left closet door closed. could it have been the heat. Ph 5.7 and i got some water sitting out how long should it take to dechlorinate if i used a water conditioner so i can flush. Thank in advance. Gr33nBean!


PLant is almost dead. how can i save her. roots are good. every branch drooping lokking real real; bad. ohther plant is perfect. there roots were growing together so i seperated them. could this be one dominating the other. Pleas please help


No one huh? Any advice at all would be appreciated. i out two months into her so far dont want to lose her>


Well-Known Member
GR33 -

I had something similiar happen the other day. I'm growing in a PC Box that just arrived on 8/17. Had a Lowryder x AK47 auto FEM plant growing for about 25 days outside. When the PC Box arrived I dug it up and potted it with FF soil and continued the grow indoors. See pics. I had it in the PC for about 2 days and the leaves were getting brown a little with some leave tips curling up.

I know this is stupid but when the PC arrived I plugged it in and everything worked fine. Found out a few days ago that the intake and exhaust fans were both exhausting. Temp inside was 96 degrees. This went on for a few days at these temps. I turned the intake fan around. Temp is now 86.5 and humidity 32%. IMG_0728.jpgThose burnt leaves are still there.(half burned). All new growth is doing fine.

Thought I would throw that out there.
