Is this a problem or no big deal (pic) ???

Quebec Big Dog

Well-Known Member
On a few plants I have fan leaves covering the buds (because there are alot of buds) Should I do anything about this ???

- Cut them (probably not) ?
- Bend them (they will come right back towards the light) ?
- Just leave them it doesn't affect the bud ?

For the moment I just bent the leaves under the buds but I'm sure this evening they are going to just pop back up !!!



Well-Known Member
Flip a quarter. You will get both sides of your question with no clear solution :) I prefer to leave them.


Well-Known Member
i say remove them, those bigger fan leaves take up alot of the light that is needed underneath for the buds. Light stimulates growth and trichomes for bud..


Well-Known Member
i have removed the bigger fan leafes from top of buds so they will get more light ( id rather that the buds will get the light more than the fan leafes )

But i think it is more of a question that do you want to cut them off , i do but some people dont, up to you mate, happy growing :weed:


Well-Known Member
This a topic that gets over debated in lots of threads. As SOHIGH stated it's just a matter of personal preference. You'll never get a straight or right answer. Just do what you feel best. I like to leave mine and let them naturally fall of when ready. Remember there the pantry and the solar panels for your plant. There their for a reason.


Well-Known Member
i leave mine if they look big and healthy like tht they will be producing and doing more for the buwdwa then the light does i tink :| ;']

Big BC Bag

Active Member
i was just wondering where u got your reflective material from? It looks like the inside of a pizza carrying case.

Please this would be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
leave them alone...if anything u take the bottom branches off in beginging of flowering so that the top fan leaves have nothing to shade and the top/main colas get main production