Is this a quarter ounce?


Well-Known Member
close this damn post, there's no way anyone can correctly tell you the weight of your bud (esp. if it's compressed like that) - go get a scale... don't sell it... just smoke it.


Well-Known Member
Looks like the stuff that was running through this area,I bet it is seedy as all get out and still a little damp decent buzz at first but very short lived.


Well-Known Member
r u frm florida? i've only heard of zona in florida zona is THE SHIT but only when not compressed and seedless

it looks like it could be a quater o, shit i've seen compressd weed that looked less than that but weighed 1/2 a o


Well-Known Member
that shit looks shitty as fuck.... i u presented that t me id smack ya teeeth out no matter how many boys you got with you... and it got seeds thats straight look 3 grams mexxican weed kid


Well-Known Member
but if its really really condince (dealers language "im totally ripping you off") then sell it for a Q to some middle schoolers


Well-Known Member
Man 70 a quarter for that......ouch but hey I'm spoiled I guess. It looks like it will pass for a quarter if its compressed and if your boy will pay 70 then ask 70. You can always go down in price but never back Start High!


Well-Known Member
Man 70 a quarter for that......ouch but hey I'm spoiled I guess. It looks like it will pass for a quarter if its compressed and if your boy will pay 70 then ask 70. You can always go down in price but never back Start High!
120 a qt at least here
135 a o/70 the half for Zona in south florida/miami area. 330 an o for haze and 170 a half for haze. the zona here has a few seeds in the quarter


lol how hard is it to buy a 20 dallar scale? lloks like some decent mid.


Well-Known Member
lol zona... like aries.. thats funny, aries is what they are called here, its like good mids. but crappy pot.