Is this a Salvia species???


Well-Known Member
This may not be the right forum but i wanted as many opinions as possible,so could this be a species of salvia? & if so is it only S.divinorum that has hallucinogenic properties?


Well-Known Member
No that is not of any consequence. Salvia divinorum and possible Salvia melissidora are the only to plants on earth that contain salvinorins (a and b), that man knows of. Tha unfortunately is neither. I have rooted cuttings of a Hoffman/Wasson strain.


Well-Known Member
Na, looks like a Persicaria species to me mate (Most probably Persicaria virginiana) ... Salvia have square stems, I'd venture to guess that the plant in your pictures has a rounded stem. Not Salvia

P.s - Yes, Salvia d. is the only Salvia with the trippy quality. There are a lot of plants that can be used to provide various stimulus, google it, there are books out there that have info on plants and their uses - including edible, medicinal and recreational.


Well-Known Member
Yeh i do know of a few that grow locally that have similar uses that have been used for 1000s of years in my culture,but ive been interested in salvia for some time now & i aint quitin till i find/grow some.


Well-Known Member
Yeh i do know of a few that grow locally that have similar uses that have been used for 1000s of years in my culture,but ive been interested in salvia for some time now & i aint quitin till i find/grow some.
You can buy cuttings of it online. It's not illegal to grow in most countries (I think? lol) ... Do a search for suppliers on google. I know I can order cuttings of it in my country ... It's supposed to be a little hard to grow than most other Salvia species, but still not that hard to grow haha.


Well-Known Member
wow, i have a huge plant like these in my yard? i thought my mom called it a butterfly bush but she knows who i am lol(a stoner) so mayeb shes lieing. would this be growing n my ard? and it comes up every year if that helps


Well-Known Member
Yeh this plant keeps comin up too and it just hit me one day that it resembles salvia,cant bloody remember wat the flower looks like though.