My posts "cause" trouble? What happened to sarcasm and wit in this world we live in? Are people troubled by my witticism? Slitting their wrists and causing mental agitation? Does anyone know what witticism means?
My apologies fdd, I'm sure there are a few people around here who can understand the english language as well as write it correctly. But some of the things witnessed on these forums just make me lol and I have to comment on them. I'm not out to "hurt" peoples feelings or anything...god forbid! What would mommy say if she found out?
A smile face isn't good enough? What does one need to do these days to emphasize that one is making a joke? Play nice or I get kicked out of your growbox because I played with your WW and touched its hard throbbing cola?
Jeez you guys need to relax and take a few more hits.
But if that's how you roll here then by all means, please ban me. I think I can get by in life without visiting these pages a few times a day and having to see people cry because no one can give a detailed and well thought out description of what kind of plant their have growing in the laundry rooms
Anywho, fuck it man. There are worse things to worry about in the world. If it makes you feel like a big man telling me to "play nice" and my posts cause "trouble", then by all means enjoy yourself. But I think you may be a little overboard here in your "opinion" of my posts.
We can take this to pm's if I need to talk to the "management" in private. You know what I mean. It's when the boss calls you in unexpectedly and he tells you they have video of you spanking your monkey in your office while on company time! Then he goes on and tells you that all your porn has been deleted and your internet poker account has been closed!
Don't you see what I'm trying to make you picture in your mind fdd? You are acting just like the MAN fdd!! YES, the MAN!
Wait.....I took some hits here I think...
You want to deny me of my free pictures of pulsating buds and hot naked chix in the avatars! You want to deprive me of my right to salivate on juicy fat nugz and more hot naked lezbo chix in avatars!!!
HOW DARE YOU SIR?!?!??! How dare you threaten to take away my priviledge as a human being to see unadulterated and unmutated pictures of pot plants and naked women?!?!
I forgot what I was typing here.....
Anywho I just came outta some kinda trance but I'm all good now.
Cya soon fdd. Don't go and sic your mob on me now or I'll have to write more words or some shit lol