is this all i need to grow good bud? (i am new)


Well-Known Member
If you switch to 12/12 before pre-flowers have shown, you may encounter the following problems:
1. Stress-related sex problems (hermaphrodites)
2. Abnormal bud growth
Stress-related Sex Problems (Hermaphrodites)
Stress-related sex problems might produce hermaphrodite plants. The stress of what's sometimes called early flowering triggers the plant into a situation where it thinks its chances of reproduction are slim to none. That situation induces a condition or act of self-pollination, in which the plant produces both male and female flowers on the same plant. The male flowers then pollinate the female flowers, which eventually produce seeds.
The reason for this is that the plant notices that the photoperiod is irregular* and should no longer be in the vegetative growth stage but in flowering. This shocks the plant into a last ditch effort to receive pollen because it feels that it's missed its chance to receive pollen already. In the wild, males release their pollen just around the time that females begin to flower.


Well-Known Member
Yeh well said mate,good info too,but how many impatient novice indoor growers actually wait until preflower u think?
I know i didnt my first time and luckily i didnt have any probs,i guess its a bit of a lucky dip but ur definately right about increasing the risk of turning hermie for the purpose of reproduction,arent plants fukin amazing how they can do that? It seems basically like a conscious decision doesnt it,awesome.


Well-Known Member
Yeh well said mate,good info too,but how many impatient novice indoor growers actually wait until preflower u think?
I know i didnt my first time and luckily i didnt have any probs,i guess its a bit of a lucky dip but ur definately right about increasing the risk of turning hermie for the purpose of reproduction,arent plants fukin amazing how they can do that? It seems basically like a conscious decision doesnt it,awesome.
When I first was introduced to Growing, the guy whohad a dieing garden had MS and I had to be his hands, he had me keeping them barely alive useing his methods and harvesting a oz per plant. After reading the Medical growers Bible I told him to allow me to do what I have just learned, just the facts nothing else, Well My patience paid off, and we harvested 7oz per plant 2 a week. I know alot of people can not wait and rush these babies into 12/12, but if they would only follow the simple rules/facts and wait, they would be much happier and learn much more.


Well-Known Member
the best advise i can give you if you are new juss keep gettin info off this site youll be a pro in no time