Is this an aphid?


Well-Known Member
Best picture I could manage, yellow little fucker. Also attached a couple of images of the damage to my plant. So far haven't been sure if it was thrips or caterpillars (I had thrips last year, and caterpillars in some of my non-cannabis plants this year)

But maybe it's aphid(s)?




Well-Known Member
I don't think it kills on contact, but you see less and less until they are gone eventually.
Gotcha. Hope it works. But I've also got neem oil that I plan on watering with, which should kill the larvae in the soil, I believe.

Thanks for the help


Well-Known Member
That looks like an aphid, or an instar of some other leaf eater. There is a small fly in 1 photo, doubt it's causing the leaf damage.
I'd spray with [pick only one] spinosad/ pyrethrum/ permethrin/ azirdiractin at full strength to knockdown, then use neem oil+Bt-k tank mixed days later, then alternate again for next application, mixing the Bt-k in with the pesticide at the lower application rate.

*BT-k for caterpillars, Bt-i for flies
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Well-Known Member
It is an aphid. I am battling them right now since it is summer they really come out to play . get some neem oil and read the instructions than mix with whatever you water with.

Sir Napsalot

Well-Known Member
It doesn't look like an aphid to me

that bug's body is more elongated- aphids are rounder

You do have some damage from gnats. I use BT.
BT is ineffective against gnats

This is the first year I haven't had any gnats which are more of an annoyance than a threat anyway


Well-Known Member
I treated them yesterday. it takes about a week for them to go away after A thorough spray and watering with neem oil.


Well-Known Member
Thrips can fly. These crawl around like aphids because that’s what they are to answer the original posters question and not debate you need neem Oil read the instructions


Well-Known Member
It is an aphid. I am battling them right now since it is summer they really come out to play . get some neem oil and read the instructions than mix with whatever you water with.
That’s why I spray wetable sulfur before I put my girls in flower, started a couple years ago haven’t seen p.m, bugs or any other bugs that eat plants since. (But only for summer grows)