is this an ok way to preserve shrooms


Well-Known Member
I'm putting them in a quart jar with a big silica gel pack in the bottom. I put the shrooms in once they are cracker dry. then storing in a dark place. Anything else I should do, I'm really getting more shrooms than I know know what to do with.
fill an airtight jar loosley with dry mushrooms leaving a little space at the top so you can coat them 100%, fill the jar to the top with honey, put the lid on and store out of direct sunlight. i've kept mushrooms for over a year like this and when I opened the jar I was happy to find they didn't spoil even alittle. Potency was the same, flavor had increased 10 fold... after an hour or two you may observe people intently watching the honey dripping off their fingers as they go back for more.


I'm putting them in a quart jar with a big silica gel pack in the bottom. I put the shrooms in once they are cracker dry. then storing in a dark place. Anything else I should do, I'm really getting more shrooms than I know know what to do with.
silica is BAD shit bro .
best natural preservative is honey .
either (A) vac pac them and store them in a freezer
or (b) grind / mix with honey ...
the psilocybin will oxidize and turn the honey blue (this is normal) .
you can keep it like that pretty much forever .


Well-Known Member
I've got some I've been keeping for 6-8 months, and compared to the new ones, they are not as dry and crackly. the old ones are almost soft in spots, and the stems bend a little before cracking. y'all think they're safe to eat? the fact that they're not AS dry is the only weird thing, being that they're older.