Is this bad or is it just maturing


Active Member
plant is about 3 weeks into flowering i'm using foxfarm tiger bloom and big bloom with miracle grow organic choice soil..this is my first grow so i don't really have anything sweet for my set up but the tips of my buds are turning brown is it bad or just maturing

2011-10-03_14-21-23_239.jpg 3 weeks into flowering in my closet

2011-10-03_14-19-04_762.jpg dont know if you can see the brown or not took this with a droid x


New Member
looks like its just maturing. It could burn but you're using fluro tubes so thats pretty hard to burn with


Is it the calyx's or the bud it's self that is turning brown? If its the HAIRS and they're turning amber-red then that means its maturing. The BUD should never turn this color though!

:peace: and :leaf:
IMHO Seems way early for the Pistils to be changing colors. Your leaves look good so I don't think it's nute related. Keep an eye on it though.


Active Member
Is it the calyx's or the bud it's self that is turning brown? If its the HAIRS and they're turning amber-red then that means its maturing. The BUD should never turn this color though!

:peace: and :leaf:
the bud is fine..just the tips of the white hairs are starting to turn olmost redish im thinkin its maturing..i just wanted to be safe


Well-Known Member
maybe your touching the buds too much. i noticed where i touch the buds, the pistil tends to turn brown. imo i think its the semen on your hand thats pollenating the girl :P.