Is this bad?


Well-Known Member
Im 41 days into flowering and all of the fan leaves are completely yellow and are dying im probbly gonna remove the ones that will pull off easilytommorow, which will be about all of them including small fanleaves too. what do you guys think?
Happy smokin.


Well-Known Member
EDIT [yellowing] fan leaves are a natural process this late into the flowering period. your buds are pulling all the nutrients out of them. don't pull off the leaves - let them fall naturally. it's good that this is happening - it's supposed to. you probably only have a couple of weeks left until harvest, so all is well.

now, if they are drastically yellowing, it could be a nutrient deficiency as well. in my experience, it's normal, but what are you feeding them? give us details and we can let you know more. otherwise, you seem to be fine.


Well-Known Member
they are all pretty much dead. im feeding them ff open sesame and molassas. what im wondering is, is this going to affect the yield alot? because the are basicly dead, prolly will be tomorrow.


Well-Known Member
Don't pull the leaves off, leave them alone. You can only hurt the plant by pulling leaves off this late in the game. start flushing with plain water now and until you harvest in a couple weeks.


Active Member
Are you flushing the plant? Because thats what happens just as jrh72582 describe in the first part of his post.


Well-Known Member
i dont know the strain just bag seed.No im not flushing yet either. i was only going to take off dead leaves, the ones that will just fall of with a very light pull is this ok? thnx for comments all.


Well-Known Member
The plant wont die or anything just give it a shot of nitrogen to keep the bud leafs from going yellow too, it will start putting more energy in producing new leafs and not as much in bud formation but as long as it has the bud leafs it's not going to die.


Well-Known Member
The plant wont die or anything just give it a shot of nitrogen to keep the bud leafs from going yellow too, it will start putting more energy in producing new leafs and not as much in bud formation but as long as it has the bud leafs it's not going to die.
I agree 100%. Don't go crazy, just give it a small dose of Nitrogen and you'll see the leaves start to get their color back. Don't worry about feeding the plant close to harvest, because the whole flushing deal is nonsense anyway...LOL. I NEVER, repeat NEVER flush my plants before harvesting and my smoke is smooooooooth. As long as you dry and cure your buds correctly, you will have the finest weed you've ever smoked.