Is this bad?

Black Light

Well-Known Member

I'm in N.C.

It's supposed to reach 101 and maybe 103 degrees.

Will my plants handle this as long as they are watered every day like early in the morning and when the sun goes down.


Active Member
u could try putting up one of those shade nets dependant on how much attention that would draw(its a net that lets a lil light thru)or u could just find ways of reducing light like putting them under trees same shit u do in the summer time sit in the shade mist self dont give them a cold drink tho the temp dif can cause root sshock

Black Light

Well-Known Member
Ya, I will make the water about room temp. and they have trees like on each side but it gets direct sunlight for about 6 hours or maybe 7.

You think that is ok?


Well-Known Member
i live in NC too and it has just been blazing. my plants are in my attic so it's even hotter but they've been handling in well. just water so they don't shrivel.