Is this botrytis (budrot) ??

Organic what? Would you rather grow whatever this is organically or grow some actual weed. Idk where people are getting this organic coco idea from but it takes a lot more work than what you're trying to put in. This is lazy.. ignorant.. And bordering on arrogant. Your plants are locked out. Your roots are dying. Lord knows what's in your current medium.

Start over and keep it simple. 90% of municipal tap water is better than anything you can buy.. if you live in Flint you might not want to but anywhere else using bottled water is just going to cause you more problems. Add some epsom salt and base nutrients at 75%.. or be willing to put the actual work in to do actual organics cuz just buying little "tabs" ain't it bruh
Week 1 flower : (did not start over): AACA4F02-E2CC-4C1F-908B-C682274FDD81.jpeg
Hello clown @Neoliet so whats up with your megazila dicks? You had some nice tipping already presented on your leaves on thursday, so are they still there or will next set of pics be without them? Where are you and do you have balls already? I am really looking forward to those megazila dicks. Peace BRO