Is this branch done?


I had a branch snap 80% off or so. It is still attached and I supported the weight with a stake. Any chance it lives? I am on Long Island and the hotter weather is done just some 80 degree days ahead so it should not transpire too much. The gap I'm the break seems to have started to dry out before I noticed so I just sprayed it with Neem which is all I had on hand.


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You'll know pretty soon. If there’s still some connected bits it has a decent chance to recover as long as you supported it so the wound doesn't tear under its own weight. Tomorrow or the following day you should be able to tell by how healthy the leaves look if it will make it.
Thanks for the replies. I was able to use the stake I propped it up with to wedge it together more and then closed it tight with some double wide electric tape a city worker gave me when I gave him some weed. A virtuous cycle.
Good idea. It's a week later and the electrical tape and stake have kept it healthy. I don't think the break healed but it's hard to tell with the tape there but the buds and leaves are healthy so I guess it's good enough. The plant is special to me because I have no clue what it is. It was just there in the garden a few weeks old when I began planting this year so it could be any of like 6 strains I grew there in the past 2 year's baby.


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I duct taped one like that. just a few narrow strips that fit nice around it. Pretty tough plants in some cases.
I had a branch snap and by the time I realized it the following day it has scared and I just pushed it up close as I could.
That break helped a lot open up the inside and I have had a second growth spurt of the inside branches and they are producing bigger buds now.

Breaks can be beneficial in the end. But if it was just hanging on by the skin then it's a loss.