Is this bud rot starting.


Well-Known Member
You found a ph meter that actual works for soil with out a monster hole?
No. lol My apera makes a smaller hole than my bluelab but it doesn't take as deep a reading (doesn't seem to matter for me at least). It doesn't really bother them, at least I haven't had issues. I suppose poking holes with a contaminated probe could cause infection. Really though that little root pruning has never stressed my plants or caused issues.


Well-Known Member
I was talking more like every time I find one u have to dig a big hole dump a ton of water and make a slurry. So if there's a small probe that be nice


Well-Known Member
I was talking more like every time I find one u have to dig a big hole dump a ton of water and make a slurry
That is a terrible way to go about it indeed.

I have an apera ph60S thats bad ass. I also have a bluelab thats very good too. You make the hole first using a tool (the Apera sold seperately, the bluelab it's the probe cover) then gently insert the meter probe and let it take a reading. I do it ALL the time. Works great. They read liquids as well as the soil/coco. I could stick my apera in a piece of chicken and get the pH lol.

Thats the bluelab. The prices were going up and now it confirms why. Their stock was running out. But anyways thats the model.

The Apera pH60S (S = Spear Probe) costs more than the pH60 that does liquids only. The spear probe just costs more and is fragile. Always store them clean and in the KCl storage solution (in their probe cover). I consider a good soil pH meter to be my most valuable tool. If you get an Apera I suggest going directly through them.


Well-Known Member

That thread shows the Apera in action


Well-Known Member
I'm grown in pre mixed soil so I'm pretty sure it's neutral never tested my water but I have made it to week 8 and beside the little problem I asked about nothing else bad go in on I think I have a little phosphorus deficiency but other than that the take care of them self


Well-Known Member
Do you happen to have any posts that describe what your course of action is when your measurements go out of range?
I don't measure at the moment I for in soil water and let them do there thing I'm using a pre mixed soil from the store that takes my plants from start to finish.. I'm interested in getting some equipment how ever its to expensive at the moment.. the all seem to make it through flowering fine.. small things happen like I think I've been over watering and small bit but I'm not shure.. here's some pics of the plant I'm trying to revegs to make a bunch of clones. I think it has a phos def I'm debating on harvesting early to revegs but I don't know if I should..

