Is this burning or a deficiency? (Pics incl)


Active Member
Hi guys,

Ive been growing skunk 11 for about 6 months now and I'm still ironing out a few problems.

It seems when my plants begin to flower (abou 10 days into 12/12), the leaves start to yellow and die. I have worked out that they had a potassium/phosphorous deficiency, because I'm using soil, which I have fixed with extra nutes. Now I'm starting to get small light spots and burns. Is this because I'm using too many nutes? It gets quite hot in the flower room, up to 85 degrees, light burn? Or is it a magnesium deficiency?

I'm so confused........ Please help!




i got very similar symptoms and i've been having some nute burn problems. my room gets above 90 sometimes, so i think it may be a combination of both. accordingly, try to lighten up on the nutes and watering and get that temp range under control. if that don't fix it, then u can assess the next step. either way, you're not doing more potential damage to your plant if not curing your problem altogether.

hope that helps a little, as it did clear up some of my yellowish spots. do you have any pest problems, by the way? i had aphids(sp?) for a while and got white spots and this gooey shit. might've been another fly, but anyway. they might've caused spots.\

good luck,



Active Member
Thankyou, the faq helps.

Nute burn makes sense, as I'm using quite a lot. Ive just flushed the plants, they needed water anyway. We'll see what happens.

I don't have any problems with insects really, definately no gooey shit! The odd spider or wasp but they're in my attic so you have to expect that.

Thanks again for your help, I'll have a new grow journal starting soon because I'm waiting for new seeds to be delvered! I'll keep you updated. Ta!