is this common? i don't know what i could be doing wrong?


Well-Known Member
here's some pics of my seedlings one on the left is getting everything the same as the one on the right.

any ideas? is this normal? i mean only half the plant seems disfigured.

the one on the right has always had the gimpy leaf since it sprouted up, so mabey its just a bad seed. and if so should i just pull it now and not waste my time?

thanks for your input everyone.



Well-Known Member
are they the same strain?

i have some plants that are the same strain. some bigger than others. im keeping them anyway coz i think there female.

u might as well keep them for now. it might just be a bit behind, and if it is, it just means that u harvest that plant a week later or whatever.

it can happen. im sure every1s plants dont grow as fast as others at the same time.

it should be fine.


Well-Known Member
cool, and the strains are unknown. they are bag seed. but i am waiting on an order (if it gets here).

my only concern is now that little guy can only photosynthesize half as much as it should be able to.

but on the other hand the one leaf it has looks pretty healthy, so...

i guess i will keep it and see what it does.

thanks again guys, really appriciate it.