Is this even marijuana?


Active Member
Hmm, I just really sat down and looked at my plant. It has 7 leaves on alot of places. Take a look at the picture. It has 5 bigger leaves, and in the back 2 smaller leaves. Is this normal?!

Sorry for all the questions, just never grew anything before.


Well-Known Member
I'm using two 40 watt double bulb flourescent lights. I lined the fixtures with tin foil, and I lined the entire closet with tin foil.

The lights cost me probably a total of 20 dollars. The fixtures were around 6-8 dollars a piece (at ace hardware for 4 foot fixtures) and the bulbs were $1.50 a piece.

I've started the 12 hour cycle now, so how many days should it be before it starts to bud?

Thanks for the compliments on it. Any advice on what to do with the baby plants though? some of them died from over/under watering. But some are still alive and pretty healthy, Im thinking I should transplant them now before their roots have time to intwine with the larger plants roots. Or should I just let them go? I know the root system of the larger plant has completely filled that fish tank, so Im guessing I should move the smaller plants.

Also, I didnt even germinate any seeds or nothing, I just made a hole with a pencil and through the seeds in there. lol.

A pic of the baby plants has been added.
you are using rockwool cubes correct?
what did you do to get the seeds started?
did u just soak the cube, put the seed in, then watch it grow itself?
how long did it take to sprout?


Well-Known Member
from what I read plants start out 1 3 5 7 9 leaves. so it's normal ... The Stickies at the top of the page have almost everything you can think of even cheap set ups if you plan to grow more..


Active Member
How I started my plant? Well;

I went to ace hardware, got 2 bags of cactus soil. 2 4 foot flourescent light fixtures (each able to hold 2 bulbs). Came home, got an old 10 gallon glass fish tank and filled it up with 1 and a half bags of cactus soil. used a spoon to make a few small holes (about an inch or so deep) and through the seeds in the hole. After about 2 weeks 3 plants came up, and I was new and watered them alot. 2 of them died from over watering so I left it alone for about a week and let the soil dry out and then kept my watering to about 1-2 pints every 2 days. After the plant grew up it started to fall over (after about a foot or 2) so I put a stick beside it and tied the plant to it with a rubber band. And the plant ended up as you see it in the pics on my first post.

Yeah, I know. I didnt put much effort into it. But oh well.


Active Member
Sorry, I made a mistake in my above post. I didnt buy the 2 flourescent light fixtures untill about a month later. I got a little 2 foot flourescent light and a drop light (100 watt drop light an the flourescent was like 20 watts). and that was the light I used till it got about 2 1/2 feet tall. Because it was about a week or so after I tied the stick to it before I went and got the flourescent fixtures and light bulbs.


Just some idiot
I've been growing this in my house for a couple of months now. I'm not even totally sure if its marijuana because it dont even look like some pictures I've seen.

Also, Its been growing for about 2 months and aint produced shit. How do I make it bud (if its marijuana)?

Also, I am having trouble with some of the leaves turning yellow, and the tips of the leaves turning brown, I think this is because I have my lights on it 24/7 though, I also heard that could stop it from budding.

I have added a few pictures so you can sort of give me some advice on what the plant is, what species, and if possible, what sex. And some advice on how to make it healthier.

Thanks alot all.

P.S. This is my first time posting, and my first time growing. And actually, I didnt even think the thing was going to grow sence I have never grown before. Oh, and my camera doesent have very good close up res, but any help you can give would still be cool.

Looks good to me, good thing too...what if it was poison ivy....hehe