Is this even possible? 650w Meijiu Bar Light. 3.0 umol/J. LM301H and Osram. 1950 PPFD!!!!

Go make your own thread about it then.

You won’t though because no one cares about the bullshit you just said. That’s why you have to bring it here.

No one will read it otherwise.

Hey man, can we all try to get along or at least act civil with each other? I don't think your diatribe helped matters much, but maybe it made you feel a little better?

And that "Fanboy" you responded to grows with Samsung H-Influx strips, which use the same LM301B diodes as are in your bar lights (I think unless yours were sold with LM301H). I don't even think he owns an HLG product.

Edit: Punctuation
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Why are there so many negative people in this thread? It's like it gives some of you a hard on. There are legit newer growers, that have real legit problems, looking and searching for a safe space for information.... And then you have these asshats holding up their American flags preaching Merica, fuck everything Chinese. Just curious how your opinion or knowledge is better than anyone else's?

Please indulge me.
Hey man, can we all try to get along or at least act civil with each other? I don't think your diatribe helped matters much, but maybe it made you feel a little better?

And that "Fanboy" you responded to grows with Samsung H-Influx strips, which use the same LM301B diodes as are in your bar lights (I think unless yours were sold with LM301H) I don't even think he owns an HLG product.
these fkn HLG fanboys and their fkn expensive HLG boards which have warranty. why dont they just have the same fkn opinions as me and buy the same fkn lights as me???????????? I KNOW EVERYTHING AND YOU ALL KNOW listen to MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
Just curious how your opinion or knowledge is better than anyone else's?
Tons of grows dude. These guys harvest weekly. Tons of experience going on. These motherfuckers love gardening marijuana. To levels that dip shits like you and I cant even understand. Hope that helps.
Tons of grows dude. These guys harvest weekly. Tons of experience going on. These motherfuckers love gardening marijuana. To levels that dip shits like you and I cant even understand. Hope that helps.
So clearly HLG produces the ONLY quality grow lights then? Just curious?
And they fudged the numbers. Again, not knocking their product, just their foolishness in inflating their numbers to sell more lights. But apparently you'd rather just believe anything your told rather than look into it for yourself. I don't give a damn about how good their light or anyone else's if they are going to tell lies to sell product. If you want to just accept the line of shit a company hands you, sooner or later it will bite you on the ass. So go ahead and wallow in your ignorance rather than look into what the facts are.

Oh please! Where do people come up with some of the stuff they say?

Made in good old USA. Premium product. Appear confident enough in their product that they put the basic details out there in public domain, so some worthless cvnts can go get them made cheaper in Asia. Spoon feeding.
No, they are one of the few who are not lying about their products, and they have sphere date to back up their claims. Science doesn't lie. And BTW, they paid the $1000 fee to have chilled's light tested.

I thinks so..... They have a TV commercial now!!!!!
See, the problem we have with you assclowns is there are already numerous HLG threads, and also a Chinese quantum knock of board thread for you to discuss your “ideas”.

Yet, you all seem to gravitate to OTHER threads saying the same damn shit.

It’s almost like you’re paid to do it at this point. Or are so desperate to get your name out you have to interject in other threads.

You all reek of shilling. And I’m going to call you out every fucking time.

Read the title of the thread.
And they fudged the numbers. Again, not knocking their product, just their foolishness in inflating their numbers to sell more lights. But apparently you'd rather just believe anything your told rather than look into it for yourself. I don't give a damn about how good their light or anyone else's if they are going to tell lies to sell product. If you want to just accept the line of shit a company hands you, sooner or later it will bite you on the ass. So go ahead and wallow in your ignorance rather than look into what the facts are.

Circle the picture where chilled led hurt you
