IS this even possible?


Well-Known Member
lol thnx for all the replies every1! my internet got shut off lol. Anyway i feel like ive definatley learned something here.

My plans were to do something similar to what THE WAITER was describing, im just not that good at writing and explaining i guess lol always too high it seems lol

Well, based on what yall said, i will try my origonal plan and just not expect anything lol.

Ill be using prob red desiel or white widow clones

i live in the east texas area, which can get pretty hot in the summer, bbut its not like west texas, which is basically desert land with tumble weeds tumbling along. Its pretty green here, LOTS of pine trees and even a few swampy areas, usually pretty humid for the most part of he year.

My main thing was, i dont want another thing i have to take care of. too much risk of getting caught i guess. the more i check on them the more likely someone will see me. I certainly wouldnt mind checking on them maybe once a month tho.

Well, now i feel like im back on earth. Origonally i was thinking i would plant a shit load of clones and some would make it and some not, and the ones that make it would make it BIGGG like 2-5 pounds of chronic per plant lol. then i started doing the math on how much $$$ can be made and im thinking holy shit, ill just sell all this shit and have enough money to move to a friendly state and sell the shit legally.....

Anyways thanks again guys xDDDDDD


Active Member
with those two strains you can get alot of bud if you just care for them a little. i had a few ww's last year and got about a pound per plant. i topped mine a few times during the season and just fertilized every few weeks. good luck dude you can definitely make it well worth your while outdoors.


Well-Known Member
u would need an est. patch where u know the soil quality and perfect weather cond ,20ml min rain every week. Best of getting off your ass and having a go. LAZY=no buds