is this filter good enough

Alright so I'm picking up my filter in the next week and I was wondering would a 4 in filter with a 190cfm inline fan be big enough for a 2x6x4.5 size closet. Also I will be running 2 autos at most and some will be stinky like cheese or bio diesel and some not that stinky.


Well-Known Member
You have 54 cubic feet of space in your closet, your fan will replace that air 3.5 times a minute.
You actually may have to consider a speed controller on the fan. IMO


Well-Known Member
Growerman, you'll be fine with 4" fan in that space. I'm running 4" plus 18" filter in 2x5x3.5 box and I'm running 400w hps (regular wing reflector) with the bulb about 8" from the tops with my temps never going above 80F.
Also I'll be running CFLs at first then a t5 so heat isn't going to be an issue and yea I'm going pick up a speed controller cause I think the fan is going to be to strong for this space