Is this flowering?


Well-Known Member
Just dig like 18-24 inches away from the stock and I think you will be fine.....any roots past that aren't major and won't cause major stress.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I know that.....I also know that most of the root system grows in the top 6 inches of soil. But I still wouldn't dig it up......I had a buddy who had to move his entire indoor and outdoor operation and he has been growing for years......he dug up his plants and transplanted them.........almost all of his outdoor plants died......only about 40 survived. But it is extremely hot here.....if 420 has good weather then I say go for it.
Hahaha I know you know that Fresno...sorry bro my comment was aimed at 420noobie...not you. 8)
Get yourself a calendar, look it every day for 14 days, don't look at your plants, on the 15 th day look at your plants, you will probably(prolly for those under 21), then you will see some immature buds. If your sure the're all girls, wait 28 days, and be amazed.


If it snapped at a soft green spot then straighten it out and wrap some tape on it and it should be fine if it was at a hard woody spot your probably fucked.


Active Member
Hard woody spot ....I wrapped that shit and it fused just fine. Maybe my luck, but it was a huge top branch and i heard a big crack noise. that shit actually fused after a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Too late, i had neither the time nor supplies :/ i think it was a hermie anyway cuz some if the nuts had hairs sticking out and others looked like regular nuts


Well-Known Member
no its not flowering yet.
That stretchy plant looks like a male to me. I'd remember i had a plant growing that tall but thing and turn out to be a male.