is this h2o2 ok to use?

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member

The site says it has stabilizers in it and from what I've read you shouldn't use h202 with stabilizers in it. I've been using it for less than a week with no ill effects. The reasons iam using it now 1) I hate ordering grow stuff onlne 2) its an average of 60 bucks(including shipping) a gallon online for the 35% food grade and 15 bucks(including tax) for a gallon of the 27% pool stuff 3) its local.

Probably some I left out but you get the idea

Anyone using this product? All opinions and thoughts welcome

Peace and good vibes


Well-Known Member
you want the 35% food grade and go very very light with it, you can get small bottles of it at any heath food store


Well-Known Member
the pool stuff looks a little scary to me. Stay with the food or plant grade stuff.

what are you looking to do with it, you aren't using it to kill off crud, so what gives? JR

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Jr- iam using it as a regular maintence for pathogen control at 2ml per gallon

Dee- I your right I've stopped using it. Noticed some drooping in my leaves, it has to be the pool h2o2 because prior to this ther were no issues.

I'll be ordering from Celeste(9 times outta 10). I've ordered from them before and their prices are better than GOE(garden of eden).

I guess for small/cab grows the gallon would last awhile but I have 4 18 gallons, 1 20 gallon and 8 1 gallon hempys(mums) to maintain. I being going with the

4 gallons for 137.88 shipped. Outta last a good 6 months adleast I assume.

Thanks for the advice guys

Peace and good vibes to all

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Edit: 2ml per liter(8ml per gallon) every 3-4 days. Ill just have to continue using bleach until I get the good stuff

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Medi 1- thanks for the heads up. The only thing I want living in my op is my plants,lol. No organics for me thank you. I run lucas for everything. Iam fairly new to it so iam going to continue to use it in veg as well, unless I see any defience. I have grow on back up just in case but would much rather stick to 2 parts(micro,bloom) than add a 3rd.

Thanks again



Well-Known Member
i've had better luck finding h2o2 locally rather than the interwebs. i used google maps and searched for 'chemical supply' in my town, i found a local place that sells a gallon of 35% h2o2 for 15 bucks. just picked up a jug today actually. I bet u could do the same in most cities.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well if you did use it more then youd cut your food needs way way down and get a way better end result...especialy only using half of the needed foods they have for that line...also microbes stop disease and other issues.
i have to chuckle everytime i see people say lucas..just some dood that changes his recipes weekly form what i see..its not an insult to what you do. just dont know why so many use his ways when it changes all the time...seems to me that would mean its not right.

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Medi 1- that's one of the reasons for the h2o2(disease and other issues) and where have you seen it changed(lucas). Would you send me a link. All my research the only difference I've seen is 5-10 if using florescents and 8-16 for HID. Also read that its not really for veg but at 5-5-5 I think it'll do, time will tell.

Pedillo- thanks a lot man ill check it out in the morning. I've searched google local on the web with no results hopefully google maps will find a place. Well it has found 3 but I won't know if they carry it until the a.m..

Thanks again


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
well im not gonna go search the web for where and when he changes it. ive seen his postings and other members comments on it not working for them and when we snoop it out we see levels or amounts in recipes have been changing. not knocking this lucas dood but we all change our stuff now n then as we learn more. and for anyone to try and follow someone elses uses is asking for trouble as we all have diff rooms and room conditions and water sources so it will never work the same as his does. same as mr advanced rip off nutes..his so called no i dont use his water. the water is where the change in effect is, not so much the foods. then humidity and temp play a huige role in how the foods are processed so my room isnt like any of the rooms i see here and shouldnt be. we all grow diff. maybe use them more as just a guiidline as the recipes on the bottles are intended to do....all are a guidline to reffer to.not to foLlow to a "T".

also if you hadnt been killing off the microbial life then you wouldnt be having these bad fungi. this is what they feed on so if they cant eat they will dies. with the help of the H2O2.. just like chloramienes and chlorine do in our water.

do as you wish, but i woukld lay a gaurantee youll have a way better end result using microbes and less foods. we cant improve on nature.

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Medi 1- I agree with you on a lot of things your saying, especially about fat mike. Imo I feel nutes to be a small part. Lights, ventilation, temp, ph and pathogen control are all fair more important. Theirs thousands of people in this country that drink water straight out the tap, that's why the people at ther water company keep it sterile by using chlorine and chloramiene. If its good enough for people its good enough for plants. As long as its coming from a municipal water supply and doesn't contain a high amount of salinty(sc) your good to go.Don't really know where you were going with that? I never said I curtain have bad fungi problems either? Iam using it as a preventive.

Like you said though to each is own. I found what I like and iam sticking with it. Iam quite sure you feel the same about your method. Many things will have changed in my op 6 months from now but the way I deal with pathogens won't.

Not saying my ways better than yours either, its just what I like.

Peace and good vibes


Active Member
This is a device to automatically slow release the H2O2 H2O2 is a very effective, but must be low/consistent doses. This is a product Ive been trying to get but only available in the UK, if you use a UV light filter to kill unwanted bacteria(in UK UV filters are popular), but apparently some minerals will fall out of the solution so this is an additive to counter act the UV. I look to europe for the best innovations in growing they have always been ahead of the US.

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
UrbanAero- thanks for the awesome links man. Really wish they were available here. If and when the do have them here(able to plug into a U.S. socket) let me know.

Thanks again


Medi 1

Well-Known Member
sure tap water is ok..not totaly ok but it is ok to drink in most cases. also we dont depend on microbial action to live, they do and both chlorine and chloramine kill that as does h2o2
we are closely related to food needs but not totaly, we have no roots to feed. and all of us are sick, we just dont know it. with all the toxic foods we eat daily from mc donalds and others we have adjusted a bit,. now eat raw and organic and youll be sick for a couple weeks till your body gets used to real foods. we are all brain washed in what is good or not by big corps and big pharma.

should watch food matter or food inc. might open some eyes to what we are being forced to do.....freedom...ha!....sory for the

much respect dood for not goin off on me for a diff of opinion like i see so much of online

Tiger Woods

Well-Known Member
Medi 1- I know exactly what you mean about people bitching because someone else is using a diff. method and have totally diff. opinions about how to grow. You won't see me in any online fights. Its stupid IMO.

Good read too and no problem on the ranting I tend to do that from time to time as well. Its forums like these that I feel are meant to debate not fight. Iam always reading, researching and learning new things. I feel you should find a proven method and stick with it, don't try to reinvent the wheel.
I've seen food inc. Never seen food matter though. It is disturbing knowing that in one hamburgur your eating 100-1000's of different cows ground up together.

Peace and good vibes to you man