Is this heat burn?


Active Member
Had 2 really hot days, haven't yet been using the AC, so you think this is heat related? Temps were above 30C. Nothing to the other plants, but this one was near the back of the cab.



Active Member
Strange, cause I use ph adjusted water... all the other plants get the same. Do you think ph is too high or low? dolomite lime u say... easy enough. Thanks


Active Member
No nutes, they're only 2 weeks. But just checked my water I've been feeding them, was just over 7... so I lowered to just under 6 or somewhere round 6 (tester isn't all that accurate) and gave them a little watering. Will see how they do, but still gonna get some dol. lime. Thanks LAX... any other suggestions?


Active Member
GROWFAQ top of the page will answer this question with picture's.
Thanks, checked it out b4 I posted, but wasn't sure. I was thinkin mg or heat after looking there. I guess thats something the forums are for, clear up any misconceptions.


Well-Known Member
I vote for chronic over water. Your leaves look limp and over watering fucks up pH.

Marijuana loves dry climates. Remember that when you water.

Doesn't look like heat burn at all.

LAX Skunky BwS

Well-Known Member
No nutes, they're only 2 weeks. But just checked my water I've been feeding them, was just over 7... so I lowered to just under 6 or somewhere round 6 (tester isn't all that accurate) and gave them a little watering. Will see how they do, but still gonna get some dol. lime. Thanks LAX... any other suggestions?

No problem man anytime.. that dolomite lime works great...


Active Member
I vote for chronic over water. Your leaves look limp and over watering fucks up pH.

Marijuana loves dry climates. Remember that when you water.

Doesn't look like heat burn at all.
Thanks... but don't think its overwatering. Been watering every 3rd or 4th day when the soil is dry. But I'll keep my eye on it. Thanks again.