Is this herm?

smok'n j

I have a plant that is flowering, but it looks like it is developing male pollen sacks. the picture is not the best, but you might be able to tell. what do you think?



Well-Known Member
looks like balls to me...snip them before they open and you might be able to slow the self pollenation process


Well-Known Member
the shading in the picture is pretty hard, if there is a bud and then there is a ball coming out next to it that look unlike any of the other female pistils get rid of it!!!! you could end up with a seeded plant from the hermie or all seeded plants from pollenation.. i wouldnt take the chance.


Well-Known Member
Yep, it's a hermie. You can either keep a really close eye on it and chop off all those little balls as they pop out, of get rid of the plant. The weed will still be good quality as long as it doesn't get pollinated, so I'd keep it if you don't want to spare an ounce or so. :)