Is this hermie? 6 week into flower

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
That's a seed man, a hermi (i think) is when a plant produce male and female part, basically banana looking things start to appear full of pollen. Looks like the plant's just been pollenated by another, I'd check some over places to see how much has been pollenated.


Ok what i should look for?
is it possible that it pollinated herself? got 4 feminized plant at the same closet so... what do?

arrggh, is my harvest ruined??

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member
No it's not ruined mate. Check the others for little banana looking like thing (I'd google it for a picture but I gotta go soon!) on all the other plants and see what's going on in there, make sure to get a good look around each plant :)

Nutty sKunK

Well-Known Member

It's the very small light green bit on top of the bud closest to us mate. Google hermi plants to get a better Idea of what to look for


Well-Known Member
How long before harvest? I don't have a lot of experience with seeds.
If it was just a few seeds I would do nothing & be glad for the seeds,they will be female
if she polinated herself.
If I saw sacks I would get it out.


cant find any banana looking male parts, only these seed sacks...
the seeds inside are small and squishy. and they seems to bee everywhere. should i cut the plants while the seeds are still small?

what now?..


Well-Known Member
Plants seem to produce seeds without any male pollination required, you might have a couple male pollen but those seeds are just feminized seeds might even be better then the ones you bought at the store, atleast thats what i have a lot, also if your plant isnt completely hermaphrodite you can still harvest and smoke it.


Well-Known Member
Good thing you are not pulling your plant based on the feedback...I see nothing in these photos that indicate a hermie. The second set of photos was just a calyx ripped off of a plant.



Well-Known Member
You are all good man, just wait till she matures and see if you can propagate those seeds.



Well-Known Member
Yea... quit pulling your THC producing Calyxes off your plant!
Don't panic when you see new growth...
Good Luck...