Is this led grow light good


Well-Known Member
it is a cheapo chinese led but does a good job. i grew a plant under a vipar 450 once and got some reqlly decent big dense potent buds off a jack herer


Well-Known Member
I got it 24 inches from top can drop it to 18 inches or keep it 24
itll say in the booklet the best distance i personally will feel with my hand and judge from there if its going to burn my plant(s) but its always closer than what they recommend.


Active Member
Yeah the book says keep 24 inches that's why I got 24 inches but it dont start getting hot on back of hand until about 12 inches or so I just want the plant to get as light as it can lol


Well-Known Member
i ran mine at about 13 to 14 inches if that helps any. but it was a 450 so make sure it wont burn them


Well-Known Member
It's a 4 x 4 place but only one plant
Ok, when I say space I mean what the light can light up wall to wall.
Keep the plant canopy to a 3x3 area and the light will do fine, any more and its going to struggle to give anything worth while.